Dream Stereo # 6

ops ..In my last post I ment to say ,, Hang the picture "over" the audio rack ..

posted over 18 years ago

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Dream Stereo # 6

I see you got your pictures up. Man those speakers are nice looking !! I would love to hear them.. The whole system looks fantastic!Ok ,, I have one suggestion ,, Move "the lady" pict...

posted over 18 years ago

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Dream Stereo # 6

Nice system Knollbrent ! I have never heard your speakers before. I bet that McIntosh makes them come alive! Are you going to post some pictures ?Happy listening . . .PS. LOL on the Ros...

posted over 18 years ago

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Woodman's 85% used 95% Happy System

I like your setup . The adcom gfa 555 is one fantastic amp . Very hard to beat for the money . I had one for years. Love the picture on the wall also .. Happy listening ..

posted over 18 years ago

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