Magico Q1 in SMT dedicated room

one thing is sure, these Magico aluminium speakers are build like a high precision Swiss watch.... very impressive.

posted over 11 years ago

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Magico Q1 in SMT dedicated room

Peterayer, do you REALLY believe a story of a guy selling a 185k speaker, ordering another 200k speaker (the MM7) without even listening to it, because he listened to the MMMicro1, a 3k speaker of ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Magico Q1 in SMT dedicated room

1) it is diffusion, not absorption. My diffusers have absorption factor of only 0.15-0.2. The more you treat walls with diffusers, the better. I get a perfect decay time, regular slope, decay t...

posted over 11 years ago

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My Sanctuary

Hi Wslam,not sure you remember me, we exchanged a lot of emails regarding the Magico Mini a few years back. I have a private question to ask you but don't have your email: would you mind contac...

posted about 12 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, I have decided now to sell the MM3 (too much of a mess to store them until my second home is built). May I ask you how much you got for your pair?

posted about 12 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mike,Not sure if you remember me, I visited you from taiwan 5 years back. I am also going now through the process of building a dedicated room, fully treated. I will change at the same time ...

posted over 12 years ago

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The European Perspective

Hi,Which model of Daikin AC are you using? I am also going through the process of building a dedicated room, so AC choice is important. Thanks!

posted over 12 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

not sure I understand your answer Jonathan: there is no passive crossover between drivers? In the bass, the adjustments have an influence on the amplification curve of the booster, right? how d...

posted over 15 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Henry,yes, and you can also read this review:'s what Alex said about it: "The Chinese amp is a little hybrid from a company name...

posted over 16 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Henry,the 3.0GO is a very different animal than the 2.5... Both sound very differently, it is not a simple upgrade (go on the Forum of APL if you want to see how people compare them).Will b...

posted over 16 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

well, there may be a difference between an Esoteric "modded by someone" and an APL 3.0, where all electronics is changed. I personally never liked the Esoteric sound, and have no complaints on the ...

posted over 16 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

I am waiting for a comparison between the APL NWO3.0GO and the MPS-5...

posted over 16 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mike,Nice to see you back...I am still enjoying a lot my MM3... thanks for the listening session one year ago!Given your perpetual quest for perfection, I think you should give a...

posted over 16 years ago

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Audiophile Heaven Antwerp

Antone112,have a look at slim devices product (squeezebox or transporter). Best sound quality for the money. Transporter in particular is great. Little difference with top end CD player.

posted over 16 years ago

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Audiophile Heaven Antwerp

upgrade from NWO2.5T to NWO3.0GO costs me $5000 (which is the difference between the current price for the NWO2.5T and the price for a new NWO3.0GO).The full DA section is replaced. The 3.0 use...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audiophile Heaven Antwerp

Henry,Nice to hear your move is progressing well.Can I just offer one recommendation? you should use professional advice from companies like Rives audio. Treating properly your room is goin...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Matt,I am using EA power cords with integrated power filter. Read a few pages above in the same thread, we shared a lot on advantages of different power conditioning options.Regarding t...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Matt, Mike decided to keep the MM3.Agree that the EMM-Dart-MM3 configuration seems quite standard on Audiogon. Actually it is quite surprising, that would imply most people buy the full sys...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

I just posted pictures of my own MM3-Dartzeel-APL NWO2.5T system. Spent 2 weekends tweaking speakers and finding the sweet spot. Speaker and CD player are still burning in (only 130hours so far), b...

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

French fries, I love your suggestion of new threat name, one French vote for it! (and btw your post really made me laugh)In the meantime, I have been going to the gym everyday for the past ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mtkhl567 and Henry,I spent two hours comparing the AR Ref 210-Ref 3 with the SPectral DMA250 fed by a Spectral preamp (don't remember the number), feeding a pair of Magico Mini.It is true t...

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Henry,I listened to the Model 6 at the same dealer as you (HK I am assuming...). It is true they are great. I got in Taiwan an amazing deal on one pair but decided not to go for it as I imagine...

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike,can you tell more about your new bass settings on the MM3? I am supposed to receive mine in one month, always go to know what is a good starting point...

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike,thanks for the explanation... seems that I will have to go for some cable switching or live with 4 front speakers...Murano amps: interesting! if I am not wrong they are taiwanese. ...

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike,Interesting to hear you want to go for multi-channel. Which speakers and amp will you use for the other channels?How are you making the switch from stereo to multi-channel? unplugging ...

posted over 17 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 47 posts