big horns

May I ask what the depth (physical dimension) is of the folded bass horn? I want to do something similar but have a door fairly close to the front wall. Thanks!

posted over 14 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, It is great to see that you are able to have the Exquisite Midi's in your room. If you let me know when you are going to be less busy then I will call you and get some initial impressions. It...

posted over 19 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, I came over to Spain for a little R&R this week. I guess I should have headed west instead of east. Looks totally awesome! I told my wife that at some point in time, if you permit, my...

posted almost 20 years ago

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Music You Can Feel , See & Almost Touch!

I am building a room and was wondering what flooring you used. It looks exactly like what I a looking for. Thanks!

posted about 20 years ago

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Hi End Domain

Do yourself a favor and talk to Rives. I have listened to a room designed by Rives and there is nothing better you could do to improve your listening more. Outside of buying better equipment of cou...

posted over 21 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

I certainly appreciate the offer. I was in San Antonio for a business trip and the plane stopped briefly in Houston. If that ever happens again I may consider it. Which is the best show to ...

posted over 21 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

I should re-phrase that to say if you know anywhere on the east coast that these speakers can be auditioned. I did not mean to imply that you should allow me or anyone else to use your system as an...

posted over 21 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

Are you located anywhere on the east coast. I have been dying to audition these speakers anywhere on this side of the country.

posted over 21 years ago

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