Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Updated speaker cables to Echole Obsession Signature, my USB cable, my Record Cleaner, my Tonearm to SE status, and Oyaide Wall OutletsNext inline is probably my rack, Echole Om...

posted over 7 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Adding some Echole Obsession Signature interconnects and power cables soon, they are in construction.

posted over 12 years ago

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as good as i'll ever need!!

Boy I suck at typing on forums, where is my auto-correct?I am looking to add 3 Echole Sig PC's and another Sig IC soon.Dave,Have you received your MK2 upgrade for the PWD yet?

posted over 12 years ago

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as good as i'll ever need!!

Ha, perhaps I mispoke, but you misunderstood me. Either way, as you say the Signature line is really good cable.So good that if you hear it, then you are left crunching numbers trying to co...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

You read correctly. I feel my gear is of high enough performance, with most pieces in the $10K ballpark, that its true performance is not going to be realized until the sound pathway is opt...

posted over 12 years ago

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as good as i'll ever need!!

Calloway,I finally posted a response to your inquiry on my system thread in regards to Echole cabling.See reply there, but my advice, unless you're seriously considering a purchase,...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Calloway,I owe you a response from quite sometime ago, unfortunately due to unforeseen issues hinted at in a previous post, I haven't really been able to get a handle on the Echole sound un...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Lapierre,my room is 15' long by 13' wide and 9.5' tall. It is part of open loft style downstairs place in a modern house, thus the reason it has been such an uphill battle on conquering aco...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Ha Ha Ha, I am an idiot.On the second or third day of owning my Sapphire amps I took them over to a friend.s house. His speakers are Avantegarge Duo's.I thought we had kept the amps...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Other recent additions are a new set of IC's and new amps.I upgraded to the Wyetech Sapphires form my old Onyx, after desiring to do so for about 5 years. I nearly went with the New Audio F...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Finally getting my new room dialed in.Installed some Transparent Acoustic Clouds for the ceiling.Added some nice looking columns from Design Within Reach to break up the front corners as we...

posted over 12 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Purchased new home and have been working to bring room up to par. So been slowly tackling room acoustic issues but I am just about there. Added the Perfectwave DAC about 8 months ago...

posted about 13 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Moved from SRA VR Series 3.0 to Appogg Systems isolation platforms. Have one under amp and cd player.

posted about 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

The Allnic seems to be a really nice step-up.It is extremely well built, super thick aluminum chassis that altogether weighs about 7 pounds. Way overbuilt.It is extremely quiet, once I ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Picked up a step-up finally, and I think I got my table dialed in well. Vinyl is sounding great.

posted over 15 years ago

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Jfrech's system

I guess my email on Sunday was a bit late, and I can see why you were unable to make it over on Saturday. Too many new toys of your own!Congrats!Did you give the Nagra 845 mono amps...

posted over 15 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Nice, did Casey just get those in?Hey I wanted to let you know that I am going to throw a little listening party soon. I believe you moved to Austin, since the last time I threw one about t...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Thank you, I feel fortunate to have picked his up.It was a table that I had been lusting after ever since I saw it in an early 6Moons Roadtour edition.It is funny. I saw your post o...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Thank you for the compliments.I purchased the DPS-2 a couple of years ago from David Beetles, before he became Hammertone Audio. At some point, I am going to explore the new Ayre 3 phase po...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: New pictures added throughout My cabling changes are almost complete with the arrival of the Flow Master Reference power cord. What a tremendous cord! I am left with just the IC's to...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Have swapped out nearly every powercord in favor of some lovely Argento Audio cables. Also changed speaker cables to Argento Serenity. Argento cabling is really exceptional, and I am...

posted over 15 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: Upgraded to new tonearm

posted about 16 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

Sure, send me an email, actually I am open both today or tommorrow, well at least after this morning. I am going to go listen to the 3 box Esoteric digital system vs. the 4 box DCS system here in a...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Air Tight explored, AT-solutely!

System edited: traded in the Shunyata Guardian 2 for a Hydra 6. I gave the Guardian about a month of break-in and when I finally decided it was ready for some comparisons, I discovered it didn't ch...

posted almost 17 years ago

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A long way from Albuquerque...

What do you think of the DPS-2? I am personally loving mine from all angles, looks, sound, and ease of use. I really like the fact that it is easy to switch records while the platte...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 33 posts