vthokie83's System

Go Hokies!It's always good to see a VT grad with spirit and a nice really stereo. Congrats.

posted over 2 years ago

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Tugboat Captain

Lovely!I am especially fond of one particular piece of equipment that you did not list! Your pooch is always part of a system.  Mine comes in and sits or lies down or gets on my lap..... boogy...

posted about 3 years ago

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wiscoguy's System

Your system is very cool that I am sure sounds great.  My only possible suggestion is to upgrade your turntable (I have owned Oracle Delphi 2, VPI Traveler v1 and Scout 1.1).  I recently did someth...

posted over 3 years ago

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toxlevel's System

Excellent classic Nakamichi with a splash of Nelson Pass lots of transparency fully revealed by the CLS II ...... A very good sounding system I'm sure and the looks to die for! ...

posted over 3 years ago

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Music System

Very nice system! Those Stax F83 are a real treat to see.  Very refined and extremely musical.  Love the Klyne preamp and although I'm not familiar with the NYAL OTLs, I couldn't imagine anything o...

posted over 4 years ago

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Mid Hifi System

Nothing MidFi about your set up.  I'm sure it plays music beautifully and most importantly to your liking .... That is hi fidelity at its best!  Money spent is not the objective is it?  Thank you f...

posted almost 5 years ago

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shakira's System

Elegant and simple with an unusual array of manufacturers represented, all very high quality!  Every system has a story.  What's your systems story?Nice all around!

posted over 5 years ago

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tomic601's Vintage System

Nics is to easy to say ... Your system is spectacular.  Great speakers and love your Nagaoaka cartridge choice.  As said before don't change a thing except I'm looking to install a Nagaoka MP500 wh...

posted over 6 years ago

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Matt Parker’s System

Very sweet system.  Great electronics and highly detailed speakers that produce a very natural sound ... Love it! Only missing some vinyl?Sam

posted over 6 years ago

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Hi-End of the Low End System

Lovely system.  And I'm sure that it sounds just great rightside-up or upside-down!  Before I would invest in a lot of new equipment I'd try to get the very best from what you already have, specifi...

posted over 6 years ago

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Jazz Listener System

Your system must sound very life like and extremely musical while still exuding detail and space...... all very nicely put together!Sam

posted about 7 years ago

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