Doug's Audio Den

Enjoying following your system's progress Doug. Always educational. Yes, for speakers I went for a great price on a pair of SP Tech Revelations around Thanksgiving, when I realized I needed to put ...

posted over 9 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Agreed that there are some amazing things being done in the digital domain that really impact the sound. Just got a DEQX HDP-4 and wow does that offer some amazing digital capabilities to overcome ...

posted over 9 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Even more enticement Doug. Hope all is well with you.

posted about 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Very nicely put Doug. So many great sounds that can be put together at this point. To match rooms, budgets, listening preferences and aesthetic tastes.And your system as I heard it last was...

posted about 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

A little slow in posting, but I had the distinct pleasure of visiting Doug to hear the Nimbus Whites. Wow. A fabulous audio experience and Doug was a fabulous host. Not sure how much I can add to h...

posted over 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Though, based on my experience with the Nimbus Black, it should be made clear that the Nimbus also possess the slam and ability to pressurize a room that panels IME lack.

posted over 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Excellent review Doug. Very valuable to have such a comprehensive and well-written account of the speaker.

posted over 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Look forward to reading that review. The less-expensive Nimbus Blacks sounded fabulous when I heard them at Ryan's when I was in St Louis. Very impressive speakers.

posted over 10 years ago

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VAC & VSA - 2-Channel Smileage, PMD

Very nice system. I am new to the Von Schweikert family. Got a pair of VR-4 Gen IIs in a big 7 speaker Von Schweikert HT package. No room for the other 5 HT speakers though. Add @gmail to my userna...

posted about 12 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Very nice system. I am new to the Von Schweikert family. Got a pair of VR-4 Gen IIs in a big 7 speaker Von Schweikert HT package. No room for the other 5 HT speakers though. Add @gmail to my userna...

posted about 12 years ago

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About to spin those big black cds.

Ohhhh, please let us know your thoughts on the townshend....

posted over 13 years ago

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