SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles:I have the Kenny Barron CD. You are correct it is awesome. Will get the "Skyline" disc.ThanksCheers

posted about 10 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles: *****He's accompanied by pianist Kenny Barron on one CD and pianist Geri Allen on another. ******What are the titles of the CDs? I can't find them.Cheers

posted about 10 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles1dad:I youtubed the DSO. I could not find the beethoven music, but they did talk about the festival. I think it's goes until the 24th, maybe thats why I could not see it yet....

posted over 11 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

I have a lot of Milt Jackson and a lot of MJQ, but no Bags with Trane. I will correct that today. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I do have him with Miles on 'Bargs Groove'Cheers

posted over 11 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles1dad:I have Manhatten Moods and the Hartman / Coltrane CD. The Manhatten Moods is sure aptly named. This is late night romantic music. Like you might hear in a movie scene taking pla...

posted over 11 years ago

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Delayed but not denied

I understand they shot down at least three Me 262 german Jets during one mission over Berlin. They (Red Tails), were flying P-51 Mustangs. That was quite a feat.Cheers

posted over 11 years ago

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Delayed but not denied

Glenfihi, Where did you get the Red Tail poster?

posted over 11 years ago

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