My trip engine

Ugh. Regarding new ICs from Silnote when I previously stated they produced, "less grit and glasiness", I meant to say they removed grit and glasiness heard using previous ICs.

posted 8 months ago

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My trip engine

Shortly after swapping out my longtime CDP and replacing with new CDP (Simon Audio CD5, used strictly as a transport for Redbook CDs) and DAC (NewOntech DAC07) (thank you Mike Powell of 11stereo/Ve...

posted 8 months ago

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My trip engine

Thanks @coralkong! Love 'em every time I fire 'em up.

posted about 1 year ago

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My trip engine

System updated but not yet published. Opera Consonance CDP replaced with another, Simon Audio CD5, used as a transport only, into NewOntech DAC07.

posted about 1 year ago

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My trip engine

Thank you @lapierre.Yes,@lapierre.Yes I have changed out power tubes, somewhat prematurely (only 750 hrs on them) due to one tube slowly going bad (intermittent hissing, which grew progressive...

posted about 1 year ago

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My trip engine

@moofoo - Thanks! Your system and room look great as well. If I lived closer I'd be over to hear, for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

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My trip engine

Thanks @islandmandan ! If you're ever near Marietta, GA, you're welcome to stop in and hear some tracks.

posted about 2 years ago

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My trip engine

Thank you @islandmandan !It has taken me many years to reach this point, always in pursuit of better and better (to my ears/brain/preferences) sound. I am c...

posted over 2 years ago

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My trip engine

Swapped out my 45-Watt SET monoblocs for a 4.3 watt Whammerdyne DGA-1 Stereo SET Amp with NOS Sylvania 2A3 tubes, NOS 6DJ8 Amperex tube, and upgraded wider bandwidth transformers.

posted over 2 years ago

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My trip engine

Swapping out my beloved Eggys and subs for the PAP Trio15 Horn1 was a scary risk as I was not sure they'd be able to top my Eggys, but they have. I must say, at this point I am done looking for any...

posted over 2 years ago

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moofoo's System

Never had pure SS. First amp was a hybrid integrated: tube preamp with SS amp; then separates: tube preamp (also 6SN7-based) with Van Alstine hybrid amp (tube + mosfets); then finally Audio Mirrors...

posted over 4 years ago

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moofoo's System

Sweet setup there. I also have Fontaines (original version) with Audio Mirror 45W SET amps. Must say, the sound IS awesome, eh? Wonder how different, if at all, your model of Eggys sound compared t...

posted over 4 years ago

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My trip engine

Thanks shadorne. (I just today noticed your post.) Fortunately, sold the house and farm, went through some really crappy experiences, but have ended up in a home with a basement which has a decent ...

posted over 7 years ago

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My trip engine

It has been three months now that my system has been boxed up and stored in a locker for "staging" purposes as we await the sale of our home. Man, am I ever JONESING for some Hi-Fi !!  I can hardly...

posted over 8 years ago

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Matchy Matchy

Hi Scott,Cro Mag out and Sony in? That is quite a change. Can you please describe the differences you are hearing?

posted over 9 years ago

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My trip engine

Thank you Mjcmt. I love them too! They are very special to my ears.

posted almost 10 years ago

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My trip engine

Thanks Reynolds853! If I may be so bold as to agree with you. I love it! Gear selected strictly on basis for CD playback.

posted about 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Thank you Doug. I had been using L'Art du Son but have run out. I will seek out the Essence.

posted over 10 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

I treat all discs prior to rippingSuperb system there Doug.May I ask please, treat with what?

posted over 10 years ago

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My trip engine

Should I bother to pursue these pres or just sit tight, and maybe buy even more music?

posted over 10 years ago

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My trip engine

An entire year and no changes! Just been buying music like a crazy person. I like my system just as it stands. However, could it be better? Not sure. I might consider trying out a few different pre...

posted over 10 years ago

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Accuphase Nirvana - Done For Now

You stole the system from my dreams! ;^)

posted over 10 years ago

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Gettin' close

Sweet set up! Wondering - have you ever heard Four PI (Wayne Parham) speakers? I was wondering how they'd compare in sound to your Cornies?

posted almost 11 years ago

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Gettin' close

Wow! Those puppies are BIG! Nice!

posted almost 11 years ago

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Tannoys and Tubes

Awesome set up Arj. Would love to hear those K's with the Leben. Question about Monarchy Regen: Did you know that your power was an issue before you acquired? Do you live in a country or city which...

posted about 11 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 78 posts