Albert Porter's System

Looks like $199 is just the deposit.

posted almost 9 years ago

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PT Listening Room

Oh yes. The Harbeth Compact 7 v2's. I liked them very much.

posted over 13 years ago

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PT Listening Room

They are not speakers but tube traps for acoustical bass management.

posted over 13 years ago

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Blue Ridge Jamboree

Love to hear the Quads with the atmaspheres! Ralph says it should be a good combo.I used to have 988's, and I'll share a few things I learned along the way.- I also raised mine off ...

posted over 14 years ago

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Blue Ridge Jamboree

Love to hear the Quads with the atmaspheres! Ralph says it should be a good combo.I used to have 988's, and I'll share a few things I learned along the way.- I also raised mine off ...

posted over 14 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hey Albert - I wish I lived closer than 1500 miles! It's been too long since I heard your system, and it's changed so much. I am way intrigued with the Allnic stuff as well as hearing the SP-10iii....

posted over 15 years ago

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PT Listening Room

Albert - would you consent to sharing that song with us overall the digital conduits - or do we have to listen to it in vinyl. I'm sure it is THAT good. Marco - beware - I think this guy wa...

posted over 15 years ago

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PT Listening Room

Thanks guys for your compliments about the room. I am definitely still trying to bring it into "tune".Kuzibri - where should I inquire about this speaker cable? Do you think it wo...

posted almost 19 years ago

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Ian,What happened to your Cary CD-308? I'd like to know what you ended up thinking of it, as it held the seat of your AA Capitole CDP not long ago? I posted a comparison of the Cary, an Arc...

posted about 22 years ago

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