Main system

New speakers: Acuhorn Rosso Superiore 175 replacing Chario Ursa Major. Really great improvement for the system.

posted almost 9 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added some new pics.

posted about 9 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Pluto 12A Black is now doing music, just awaiting minor changes. The Pluto/Moerch/VdH colibri is really magical.

posted about 9 years ago

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All for the Love of Music

Zephyr24069, thanks for your comments in my own system. Yours it's really impressive, I bet it gives you lots of pleasure. I appreciate your fidelity to Legacy speakers. Enjoy!

posted over 9 years ago

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Main system

System edited: The Pluto Audio 12A Standard turntable added to the system. Pics coming soon.

posted over 9 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Building a new analogue system.

posted almost 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added the Transparent Reference XL to the system. Links the ARC PH3 to the Nagra PL-L.

posted almost 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added KA-Tuning feet/discus set of four pieces, under CD transport. A great surprise, considering the price.

posted about 10 years ago

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Second system

System edited: Keeping Ceraballs in the system ...

posted about 10 years ago

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Second system

Thanks for your comment. Adding Vibrapod cones/discus to test them.

posted about 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Walker Audio Valid Points added again.

posted about 10 years ago

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Second system

System edited: Removing Finite Elemente Ceraballs from the system.

posted about 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Removing Walker Audio Valid Points from the system.

posted about 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Remove Vibrapod cones and discus from the system.

posted over 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Walker Audio Valid Points standard kit added to the system, decoupling digital transport Emm Labs CDSD.

posted over 10 years ago

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Main system

System edited: My latest discovery: Vibrapod tweaks.

posted over 10 years ago

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Home theatre system

System edited: Added ht projection combo: Sim2 Domino Crystal Cube/Stewart Cima series 100 ". For movies & concerts fun.

posted almost 11 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added some tweaks of Harmonix, Acoustic Revive and Cardas to fight RF noise.

posted almost 11 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added Kimber Select KS-1011 to link the headphones preamp to the system.

posted almost 11 years ago

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Main system

Thanks for your system, with much of my preferred brands as dCS or Rockport, congrats !

posted about 11 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Nagra combo to amp my beloved Chario Ursa Major. Pics coming soon.

posted about 11 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added four ArtesanĂ­a Audio Dampers to the system. Really great improvement of the sound.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Home theatre system

System edited: Improving multichannel speaker cables...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Main system

System edited: Added some new gear as IC and speaker cables, and power regenerator.

posted about 12 years ago

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Main system

System edited: added Vibex Anniversary Power Cord to link two Vibex One 6Rh and some Cable Isolator Classic.

posted over 12 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 41 posts