40 Years of Trying

Seems like when I did my Diva's about 4 years ago, I spend about $4k, not counting painting the shells.

posted over 3 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Well, you can spend more, new steel frames, custom shells, etc., but that might cover ribbon replacement. I'm not up on current prices. Go to http://www.apogeeacoustics.com/ to see ribbon prices an...

posted over 3 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Yep, just rented a work van, so no seats, and drove them up there. I'm in SW VA, so it was about a 5 1/2 hours drive each way, but didn't have to worry about possible shipping damage.

posted over 3 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

The Diva's come with an external crossover.I'm in VA, USA. How about you?

posted over 3 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

I really haven't done much with cryo, but I've heard a lot of good things.I had my Diva's restored by Bill. I also rebuilt the crossovers with much better caps, and g...

posted over 3 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Yes, I have 4 dedicated lines. One for each amp, and one for the analogue components, and one for digital. They are wired with 10 gauge wire and the amps have 30A breakers instead of the usual...

posted over 3 years ago

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jaytor's Main System

Very nice system and room. Should sound really good. One question though, why no turntable?

posted over 4 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Hi Jim,Just saw your question. The stands are my design that I had custom made. I just contacted a machine shop and had them made from 1" aluminum bars. I love the Diva's and know you probably ...

posted over 6 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Just updated some pics after I had the Graham arm upgraded to a Phantom III Supreme.

posted almost 7 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Just edited and updated my system. A few cable changes mainly.

posted about 8 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

System edited: Couple of new upgrades. I upgraded my Audio Tekne phono cable with a Transparent Audio Gen 5 phono cable, and had a pair of custom stands made for my Diva's from 1x2" aluminum. Both ...

posted over 9 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Hi Audiolabyrinth,I do have the 750Mcx's and doubt I will ever part with them. They are amazing! Huge difference from the FPB600.Best,Mike

posted almost 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

System edited: Dedicated lines and additional Power Isolator

posted almost 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Like i said, I did the PS and the MVSS at once so I couldn't compare, but the bearing and MVSS should make for a huge improvement on their own.Best,Mike

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

You pretty much have to send the whole table, with the exception of the loose parts like springs. They do drill the base, but my base is not granite. Talk to Jacques about it and see what they do w...

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Hi Gmorris,Do you have the Turbo mkII? I had the original Turbo and upgraded to the mkII. Since it was done at the same time as the MVSS, it's hard to say how much difference it made by its...

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Thanks for the nice words. I'm extremely happy with my system now.The upgrade total was approximately $2000, about $450 bearing, $800 MVSS, $750 Turbo II PS. This does not include shipping ...

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

System edited: Couldn't wait any longer and got two PLMM2x power cords for the 750Mcx amps. The stock cords were really strangling the amps. Although they sounded good, they now sound great.

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

The mkVI update to my Oracle mkV turntable is continuing to amaze me. The improvements across the board and especially of impact and slam are leaps and bounds beyond the mkV. Speed stability is imp...

posted about 10 years ago

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Magnepan 20.1 Haven

Excellent system you have put together. Would love to hear it. I too had an Oracle mkV and have recently upgraded it to the mkVI bearing, MVSS, and Turbo II power supply.Thought you...

posted about 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

System edited: New pictures added of the Krell 750Mcx's. Now I need to get a couple of Transparent power cords for them, but my amp search is over. Speakers and pre are done, and with the upgrade o...

posted over 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Well, I did it. I finally found a pair of Krell 750mcx mono amps, and happen to be in a situation where I could purchase them. I'll get pictures up as soon as I sell my 600c and have it out of the ...

posted over 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

Hi Mjcmt and Glenfihi, it definitely does produce a wall of sound, even way beyond the sides of the speakers, and I am really enjoying it to it's fullest now.

posted over 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

More headroom and more power for the power hungry Apogee's. They are really hard to find though, so who knows if or when I will find one.

posted over 10 years ago

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40 Years of Trying

System edited: Just a couple of updates. I replaced my FPB600 with an FPB600C so that I could run CAST between the 202 pre and the amp. While I eventually want to find a 700CX or a pair of 750cx mo...

posted over 10 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 52 posts