My system

System edited: Everyone knows real men use tubes. The wife would like the beemer, but really what is more important; her happiness or an upgraded subwoofer? I think the answer is clear.

posted almost 19 years ago

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My system

System edited: pics added

posted almost 19 years ago

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My system

Vlad,I keep meaning to update this system with better comments and pics, but have never gotten around to it. I would agree I need a better transport, but I am lazy and really like a 5 disc ...

posted almost 19 years ago

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My system

System edited: Just makin some tweaks here and there and trying new ICs to see what I can see. Also learning about room design and custom acoustic treatments.

posted over 19 years ago

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My system

System edited: Need to get some power cords in the future. Am happy for now

posted over 20 years ago

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My system

System edited: Waiting on delivery of my Europas. Hope they live up to their rep

posted almost 21 years ago

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My system

I have a preamp and amp with regulated power supplies, so have them directly into the 2000, as well as the 5100 being fed off the 2000. I have my tv, cdp, dac, dip and dvd in the 5100. I am running...

posted over 21 years ago

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More advice please

Well there seems to be two die hard opinions here, and I think we are both right. If your source sucks your sound will suck. If your speakers suck, your sound will suck. In an ideal world we would ...

posted over 21 years ago

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More advice please

Start with the speakers. Don't know your price range, but as nice as the Titans are for surrounds, they do leave a lot to be desired as mains. Lots of options out there for speakers, so try as many...

posted over 21 years ago

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Another Woman's Perspective

I plan on buying some porcelian light fixtures, and dress them up and use them as elevators. I can't stomach spending that much on something I can surely do as well and much cheaper. I doubt the re...

posted almost 22 years ago

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Another Woman's Perspective

Very nice. I hope to one day own a BAT preamp. And thanks for the advice, I'll check out Ensemble.m-

posted almost 22 years ago

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My system

Im thinking under $2K. I am leaning towards the Sony XA 777ES, but would also like the convience of a changer, and HDCD, but if what I read about the Sony is true, it may be the way to go. A SF DAC...

posted almost 22 years ago

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My system

Thanks Jo, Ill check it out.

posted almost 22 years ago

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