markusthenaimnut's System

@frozentundra Thanks for your kind comments. Frankly, the Quad ESL 63s were simply far superior to the Apogees. The Centaurus Minors I had were good soundin...

posted over 2 years ago

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Сhakster's System ONE in 2011 - 2016

I like your system(s) and write-ups.

posted over 2 years ago

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markusthenaimnut's System

@pgaulke60 Those are Ikea Expedit shelves. Don't know if they still sell them. They might have been replaced by something similar.I am thinki...

posted over 2 years ago

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markusthenaimnut's System

With my Naim system I mainly used Apogee Centaurus Minors. I also used Linn Sara 9's. The Apogees were very good for what they did and very good value for the money.

posted over 2 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

I like the look and philosophy of your system. Well thought out. I especially like your boutique preamp/amp. IMHO that's where it's at.Thanks for your kind comments on my system...

posted over 2 years ago

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sns's System

Nice looking system. I'll bet you've got a lot of synergy there.What arm and cartridge are you using with the SP-10mkII?What 300b tubes have you been a...

posted over 2 years ago

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Сhakster's System TWO in 2017 - 2019

Holy smokes. You got so much great looking gear! So many cartridges how can they even be broken in?So, I think a good question is if you *had* to choose 1 cartridge, arm, 'table...

posted almost 3 years ago

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Theater Room - JBL Synthesis & Levinson

I was disappointed that you didn't do right by my close friend who bought the Quad 2805 speakers from you in December 2015. You had said "These speakers are in great shape, without issue, com...

posted over 8 years ago

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