as good as i'll ever need!!

Colloway, great looking system and room!I'll bet it sounds fantastic :-).

posted almost 8 years ago

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Small Room, Big Sound

Very nice system and music room.

posted over 8 years ago

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chris_chan's System

Very nice looking system, and the music library...awesome!

posted almost 9 years ago

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Timz Reference System Houston

Nice looking system!

posted almost 9 years ago

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Handmade in Texas

Congratulations; looking really good!

posted almost 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Grannyring; Colnago CT1 is a nice bike. It's a titanium frame isn't it?What, pray tell, did you do to your back?Charles; Thanks!

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Grannyring:OMG!Sorry to hear about the Dac project.You did a superb job on the Yamamoto!I don't think it will leave my system, but you would be the first person I'd contact if that ...

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles,My pleasure, I'm trying to "pay it forward" ;-)I'm glad you like the CD.

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

The Bridge does look like another winner! I placed an order ;-)!

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

The Bridge sounds very good, I'll look into it for some sample tracks :-)

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Here's a CD that's light, smooth and jazzy.I really enjoy it. It's very well recorded with excellent sonic's.If you like the samples you can find on the internet I'm sure you will like:...

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles and Agear;Let me know your thoughts on The Boss when you receive it and have an opportunity to listen to it.Thanks

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Gentlemen, I also picked up "The Boss" by Seiichi Nakamura Quintet + 2 (Live in "5 Days in Jazz" 1974) that I'm really enjoying. It's a XRcd24. A little on the expensive side :-...

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles,I purchased and have really enjoying:Tardo Hammer: Look Stop & Listen and Hammer Time.Bobby Broom: Plays for MonkRoni Ben-Hur Trio: Sofia's Butterfly.Thanks for the sugg...

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Bill,Keep us posted on your DAC projects ;-), I admire people that have developed the ability to complete that type of work.

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Charles,Here are the mods that Bill performed to the Yamamoto DAC prior to him selling it to me.1) Output caps were upgraded from $5 caps that sounded good to Jupiter copper foil in...

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Charles,After having so time to listen and put several hours onto the modded Yamamoto DAC this is what I've noticed:The modded Yamamoto DAC is definitely a step or two above my factory supp...

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

Hi Charles,Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it.I'll be moving the original (new) Yamamoto DAC into this system and when Mr. FedEx arrives today I'll be putting the highly modified Ya...

posted about 9 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Charles, Thanks for the suggestions.I'm going to check those out.Best regards,

posted about 9 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Fplanner2000,Glad to hear you like what you are hearing with the High Fidelity URR PC. The VPI Classic Signature Turntable complete with a 10" JMW 3d printed tonearm, and the Ortofon W...

posted about 9 years ago

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All for the Love of Music

Zephyr24069,WOW! You have been busy.I'll bet it's sounding great.

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Second System 2014

System edited: Updated the system according to a few changes I made regarding power cords.

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Music Room 2014

System edited: Power cords added and updated to my system.

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Music Room 2014

Zephyr24069, feel free to jump in any time. The more information we pass on the better!Charles1dad, I really like what the GTX-D did for my system, I would say the sound is natural however ...

posted about 9 years ago

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Lak's Music Room 2014

System edited: Updated a few photo's

posted about 9 years ago

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Showing 26 - 50 of 163 posts