Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

The 9100 was not the problem. I was still using the stock power cord on the Audio Research Ref 3. When I changed it out and put a Kubala-Sosna Emotion cable in its place everything sounded great. <...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I replaced the Modwright 999ES with the Modwright 9100. So far, the 9100 easily bests the 999ES in every way except in the treble range. The unit is brand new and I have only logged ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

The Audio Research Ref 3 is a big step up from the K-5xe in terms of having a lower noise floor, its ability to deal with complex passages, and ability to convey fine details. The layering of sound...

posted about 17 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: So I am selling the Ayre K-5xe and replacing it with a Audio Research Ref 3 preamp. I am pretty excited and think this will be a big improvement. I'll post more results after continu...

posted about 17 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I switched out the Synergistic Research Resolution Reference X2 for the Kubala-Sosna Emotion speaker cable. The Emotion seems to have a lower noise floor and better bass while allowi...

posted over 17 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I recently purchased some used Shakti stones after reading some some postings on audiogon. I was skeptical and expected to turn right back around and sell them, but have had some gre...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I got a chance to change my system configuration and demo some Kubala-Sosna Emotion speaker cables with a BAT 51-SE preamp. The improvements were pretty amazing across the board. Aft...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I've noticed that I am getting a some harsh sound in the treble range. I am not sure if this is due to room acoustics or components/cabling. If anyone has any ideas on how to tame th...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: Here are some new pics. My speakers are having some work done and should be back within a week. I will post new pics when they get back.

posted about 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

The Pranawire is great. It provides a much greater sense of dimensionality and nuance over other cables lines I have heard. I was particularly impressed by how much the Kensho power cable cleaned u...

posted about 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

The Auralex really cleaned up a great deal of the echo in the room. The sound is much clearer. I would like to get some traps for the corners or the room and some bass traps as well now.

posted about 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I got a good deal on some 2X4 foot Auralex panels(2 inches thick) and decided to jump on the ability to start treating the room. I will post more comments after listening further.

posted about 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I am up in Chicago now in a room that is 14'X 16' and am getting a nasty echo in the room. I am thinking of trying some room treatments in the upper corners of the room to eliminate ...

posted about 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: I recently added a Pranawire Realization Kensho to my amp. It really cleans up the grunge and lets the music shine through. I highly recommend it for an amp. I also recently moved to...

posted about 18 years ago

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as good as i'll ever need!!

Have you tried the Pranawire power cables as well? If so, how did they compare to the JPS Aluminata?

posted over 18 years ago

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as good as i'll ever need!!

I was curious why you didn't go with the Prana interconnects. Any particular reason?

posted over 18 years ago

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Buoy's blissful 2 Channel

I am using an Ayre V-5Xe to push my speakers (150 watts X 2) and moved from the Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs. The improvements are amazing. I am very happy with my Quatros

posted over 18 years ago

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Buoy's blissful 2 Channel

I am using an Ayre V-5Xe to push my speakers (150 watts X 2) and moved from the Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs. The improvements are amazing. I am very happy with my Quatros

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: Unfortunately, my system will be out of commision for about 6 weeks since I am sending my speakers back to Vandersteen to fix the bases that Fedex destroyed. When they get back I wil...

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

I am EXTREMELY pleased with the Vandersteen Quatros. They are much better than that 3A Signatures in my opinion. I've finished my evaluation of the Pranawire Realization Kensho. While I did not thi...

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

System edited: The last week has been very interesting. I received my Quatro speakers and gave them a quick and dirty placement and a few tweaks. Unfortunately, Fedex damaged them in the move and n...

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

The internal amp only drives the subwoofer. The rest of the speaker is being driven by my Ayre V-5Xe which is quite good in my opinion. I never thought there was anything mid-fi about the Quatros i...

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

Last night I spent about 3 hours doing different compinations of Pranawire Nataraja, Kubala-Sosna Emotion, and Synergistic Designers' Reference Interconnects from CD to Preamp and Preamp to Amp. Th...

posted over 18 years ago

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Vandersteen / Ayre / Pranawire / Kubala

I actually had a V-3 with a K-3X a few years back and was running them with the Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs. I was fairly satisfied with the sound, but wanted to go more towards home theater and ended up ...

posted over 18 years ago

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Buoy's blissful 2 Channel

Nice system. I actually have some Vandersteen Quatros on the way. What other amps and preamps did you audition besides the Audio Research and Aesthetix and what did you think of them?

posted over 18 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 46 posts