60 years, 3 houses, 2 owners, 1 system

I started out with the 275's original Russian-sourced, McIntosh-branded KT-88s .... But one developed a short immediately out of the silly 90-day warranty. So I replaced them with some unused Ameri...

posted almost 15 years ago

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RAR1 - Six Degrees of $1600

I have been re-watching "Kung Fu" (the classic early-1970s show with David Carridine) after having recently acquired them on DVD . . . one of my favorites.The episode I saw last n...

posted over 15 years ago

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RAR1 - Six Degrees of $1600

Enjoyed reading about your simple, concise systems - and especially the pictures of Archie and Buster. Nice!

posted over 15 years ago

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60 years, 3 houses, 2 owners, 1 system

Shadorne, I am of course happy to spout off about how I designed the speakers . . . glad you're interested.The first thing I did was work with the cabinetmaker to figure out exactly how muc...

posted almost 16 years ago

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60 years, 3 houses, 2 owners, 1 system

Thanks to all of you for such kind comments.I was quite lucky to have some pretty amazing documentation on this system's past . . . I found a quarterly newsletter from the original dealer, ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Combination 2ch + HT

Great use for those Adcoms! They should change the model from GFA-2535 to GATO-2535. But seriously, I didn't see any CD transport listed . . . do you just listen to everything off of the Mac? Have ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Combination 2ch + HT

Nice system . . . the speakers look interesting. Are they dipoles, similar to the Audio Artistry designs? I am especially impressed in your ability to get the cats to pose for the picture a...

posted almost 17 years ago

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The Tandberg bug

I really enjoyed reading about your system -- I have had an affinity for Tandberg stuff since I aquired a 3300X reel-to-reel as an early teenager. I used it with an outboard dbx noise-reduction box...

posted almost 17 years ago

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