Shak's System

Thank you for the kind words @kota1!.

posted over 1 year ago

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smortega's RoonInterdependency

A perfect dwelling for an audiophile :)

posted over 1 year ago

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donavabdear's System

Very interesting. I have a pair of JLs as well and absolutely love them also. But I heard the 9Hs and thought that they were very good at handling bass.  I actually did not feel that they needed su...

posted over 1 year ago

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donavabdear's System

Very nice setup.  Love it. Curious -  Do you find that you need the F113s even thought you have the active 9Hs?  

posted over 1 year ago

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Shak's System

System Update: A new Esoteric N-01XD Streamer / Dac arrived and has been breaking in nicely for few days now.  Definitely a keeper!

posted almost 3 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update: I also installed a dedicated 20A cryogenically treated home-run wire and Synergistic Orange receptacles for the main two channel system -  Now completely separating the Home theater ...

posted almost 3 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update:  Replaced fuses with Research Orange at the Arender and Moon Evolution P8 and added Synergistic Research Transducers to the Salon2s.  Would characterize the sound change in becoming ...

posted almost 3 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update:  Now using newer Synergistic Research SX Digital and ICs. Good uptick in lower registers. Also moved subs to the outside of the speakers (against JL recommendation).  Feels like soun...

posted almost 3 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update:  Upgraded the Synergistic Research Powercell to the new SX. Very nice.  Definitely more bass and music seems to come closer.

posted over 3 years ago

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Shak's System

Thank you Igor205!  I've had several different BAT amps prior to these Rex Amps (as well as Pass / Sim / Krell and more).  I was not quite sure what to expect, every amp adds its own touch to the m...

posted over 3 years ago

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Brad's Audio System

This is a beautiful and comfortable room.  judging by some of the components and speakers and placements, I am sure the systems sound really awesome.  From what I seeing, It looks like you have 2 c...

posted over 3 years ago

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Shak's System

The LPSs are working out really great.  I just ordered 2 more of them!  Its going to be another 2 month wait time but its worth it!

posted almost 4 years ago

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A slice of Heaven!

One of the best systems, and really great looking as well!

posted almost 4 years ago

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don_chisholm's System

This room clearly depicts what its all about.  Beautiful place...Enjoy!

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update: The Paul Hynes power supplies finally arrived and installed on all the main Network components.  Now let the SQ comparisons begin!

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

Hey @wyshak, looks like I missed your comment earlier.  Thank you :)

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

System Update: UK based Paul Hynes Design just finished manufacturing 3 new linear power supplies for me! They took a while to make but hopefully will be worth it. Intent is to see if further enhan...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

I did not think that t was difficult - aside from moving those beasts around :).

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

Hi @camb  Sounds like a nice set up you have.The key f...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

Hello @frozentundra! Regarding system S...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

Hi @jond, thank you, it is nice to be in that room even when nothing is playing because it is very quiet.  Yes, thanks for clarifying.... I had the Pass stuff ve...

posted almost 4 years ago

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