Timbre and articulation

Hi curious how you are liking your Pass XP-25. I have very low output Allaerts phono cartridge I really like...but need a phono stage to handle it with lots of quiet gain...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Peter, hope all is well. I looked up Ack in the directory and couldn't find him...what am i missing? Are you still considering trying the Pass XP 15 or XP 25?

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

I swapped my Lyra Atlas for my Allaert's MC2 Finish yesterday. These are both special cartridges. The Allaert's is a super low output, about .2 mv (some say lower). It is more transparent, more del...

posted about 11 years ago

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my journey

My dealer has a K15 on order, so I'll get to hear it to. He hopes to have it here later this year...I will say my dCS Scarlatti stack sounds FANTASTIC with the Koda 10. The Koda seems to gi...

posted about 11 years ago

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my journey

Congrats on the Robert Koda K10...welcome to the Koda K10 club! Just a few of us...but a very special preamp for sure !

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

We discussed this...we both love our preamps and have different systems and each makes it's unique impression. Babybear recently had his amps out for a upgrade...we should have tried it then...not ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Thanks for stopping by again and your help in getting things tuned up! I'll let you know about the Allaerts...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Arnie stopped by again today. The tweaks and careful positioning are beginning pay off sonically with the Rockports. Really the best I have heard my system...after Arnie left...I just tweaked the V...

posted about 11 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, I remember listening to the Stahl Tek a few years ago with you. It was pretty darn special, one of those listening sessions that you definitely don't forget...and you and I are both really ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi starting to get some time on the Rockport's now...had em for a lil over 3 months...however I may not have the hours of playing time others feel they need to break in...Like Albert and his new Fo...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi, If Arnie decided to try one or both of these...I'd be game to try it at my home also...Arnie and I have have different power cords/conditioning...so our results "may" vary...

posted about 11 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert...wow your Focal's are sounding awesome. I am so glad I got to spend about 2.5 hours tonight. Frankly, I wasn't ready to leave! I have to say, the demo of the Purist 25th Anniversary...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Arnie, I"ve been curious about the Entreq or Tripoint also...just hearing a lot a great stuff about both units...but I've yet to hear either personally...Lloyd...yeah I am going to hav...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

I got a chance to spend a few hours with Arnie's system with his new amps yesterday. First it's just a incredible system. From my Rockport Altairs and my front end compared to his Rockport ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

My better half's family owns a bbq restaurant in Texas...pretty good stuff !!

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

lloyd, everything is better in Texas !

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

You might as well try and listen to the higher end Focal models. What I've heard at Albert's is really special. I've heard the Altair's at Andy's, with the Gryphon amps and Transparent cabling, plu...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

that's great news! I can't wait to read what you think about them!

posted about 11 years ago

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Jeff's 2 channel listening room

Hi Jeff, I can't wait to see some pics ! CONGRATS !!

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi albert, you're right here, especially for the heavier items. Also the grand prix silverstone there are 2 sets of dampers, one for the shelf and one for the shelf hanger bracket. I think the shel...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Arnie, really great news! I can't wait to hear em, and I bet u can't wait either! I suspect they might have to break in like brand new amps...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Spirit, 12k is a lot for one component...I bet it did help though. I found the Grand Prix Monaco or Silverstone stand to be a great step up...if you ever get a change to hear these stands...please ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

For all you Grand Prix Monaco and Silverstone owners...don't forget to change your dampers every 12-18 moths. I just replaced the hanger dampers and shelf pads under my turntable shelf...lower nois...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Spirit, congrats on the SET plunge! Hard to beat SET's...I've heard your Hovland pre before, it's VERY good.Isolation is crucial under anything...you can get some very good non active so...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

A recent review on my new koda k-10 preamp: http://inner-magazines.com/news/494/57/koda-takumi-k-10-pre-amp/Other reviews on the audio beat: http://www.theaudiobeat.com/equi...

posted about 11 years ago

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