Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi Jond. Those are Super or Ultra hi B AN transformers. I don’t remember which. I got them from an Audio Note dealer about 6 years ago. They say Mishue silver on them so they would probably go into...

posted over 2 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi Jo, I have always wanted to hear Kondo copper IC’s. I’ve heard they sound amazing. Your Auditorium 23 coppers would be a great listen I’m sure. I love my Silver ICs but would love to hear what a...

posted about 3 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi JO, Wow, We do seem to be on the same road to good sound! Have always been curious about Kondo copper IC's. I bet they sound fantastic. Such a nice surprise that AN copper caps would sound so go...

posted about 4 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi Tjkurita, so nice to hear from you! the audio note cap I used in place of the duelunds was .47uf copper. I see in your system page that you are using audio note .22uf silver. Depending on h...

posted over 4 years ago

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The Summit

Dan, was reading thru your system pg and see you have switched from a 300b amp to 845s. When you have a chance would be interested to hear what the 845s are doing for your Tannoy. thanks!

posted over 4 years ago

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The Summit

Dan, was reading thru your system pg and see you have switched from a 300b amp to 845s. When you have a chance would be interested to hear what the 845s are doing for your Tannoy. thanks!

posted over 4 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi Dan, nice to hear from you too. I wanted to put the duelunds back in before posting this update, but there really was no looking back. The duelunds simply did not sound anything like these audio...

posted over 4 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Thanks Cymbop. Much appreciated. A report an my WE91a amp after a long journey of coupling caps.Over the past year and one half, ive experimente...

posted over 4 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi Gunther, if at all possible use copper for the top plate. Will very likely sound better than wood. Wood has a sound. When I changed from wood to copper in my phono circuit, the change was ...

posted about 5 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Hi TJ. Thank you and nice to hear from you. If you are in the neighborhood give me a shout. Take care Jet

posted over 5 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Thank you Dan. Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well with you are your system. I’ve been working on the amp throughout 2017 making small changes. After a month with a shunt attenuator I felt comp...

posted over 6 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

 Replaced the Goldpoint 50k stepped attenuator with a Seiden Shunt stepped attenuator loaded with Audio Note non magnetic tantalum resistors in my WE91a amp. Its been in for about a month and ...

posted over 6 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Since the beginning of 2017 I've been changing the power supply of my amp from the 5AR4 indirectly heated rectifier to the 5R4WGB potato masher directly heated rectifier.  The change has been well ...

posted about 7 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Thank you Devilboy and Islandman. Building and voicing this amp over the past four years has been an education. especially the voicing part of the journey.  Especially the power supply. Which bring...

posted over 7 years ago

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My NYC apartment hifi

Latin, looks like you have some nice changes happening! If are in park slope sometime stop by. Would be good to see you. Regards Jet

posted almost 8 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Also check that the bypass capacitors are properly soldered back cold solder joints.

posted about 8 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Also are the resistors you put in at least 20watt rating? If not they could be burning up and that would be what you smell. Resistors should not smell unless they are getting too hot.

posted about 8 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Joe, perhaps they are not 1.2k restistors. Did you measure them before putting them in? Maybe they are a much lower resistance like 1.2 ohms? It's unlikely but is it possible that you have cold sol...

posted about 8 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Hi Aball. Agree with you. I know with tubes there are maximum operating points and then there are the suggested normal operating points that put the tube in the most linear spot where the tub...

posted about 8 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Rebbie great review of the Spatial M4's. Happy they are providing wonderful music. Open baffles are super cool since they are a relatively simple design and as you said in your review, the box arou...

posted over 8 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

had some copper sheet left over from my amp build so I shaped it into a box and put the very sensitive phono circuit inside. Lots of pictures.

posted over 8 years ago

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My Loft System

Hi Joe can you compare the Zu to the Horning? Very curious.

posted over 8 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Thank you Dan!The sound is a bit different now. The old chassis was made mostly of tiger maple and it added some warmth and colorations. The new chassis has a lot more metal and the wood is a ...

posted over 8 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

Amp is finished, and passes audio! whew! what a relief. Always scary when firing up the B+ for the first time. Also so far with the close signal path and copper cage around the circuit there tur...

posted over 8 years ago

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Audio Note, WE-91A, Rega, Ayon

added some pictures of building a new chassis for my 300b amp. This new version will have all the hi voltage parts hidden underneath.

posted over 8 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 282 posts