The Anachronism

I really like your record storage. Is that something you made, or?Thanks,Jeff

posted over 10 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

I feel the same way, glad I discovered Coincident. My speakers completely disappear with most recordings also, but the image is usually between them. On a very few the image extends outside the bou...

posted over 12 years ago

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SET bliss/Jazz Haven (In my home).

Great system Charles, similar to mine, and we have the same taste in music. I have the same amps but use the Coincident Statement Phono Pre since vinyl is an important part of my listening experien...

posted over 12 years ago

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PT Listening Room

Peter,Don't forget the amp I sold you (and still miss - Ayre V5xe) in your tale! Of course without the speakers I sold Jax2 the amp is meaningless to the synergy I had in my old system. But of ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Ejlif old system 12 plus years ago

Hi Ejlif, great looking setup and nice integration of PC audio. For a couple months I've been thinking of changing my digital front end. Rip all my CDs to my PC and use a Transporter. But recently ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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