JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

Now in Martin Logan fan club web site system #4 at: http://www.martinloganowners.com/memsys.html

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

Took the Placete Audio Remote Control unit to the stereo club & experimented with the new Arye CD player verus a Theta Pearl/DAC combo. Normal set-up was with a Mark Levinson 335 stereo amp to an A...

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

To make room for the Placette Audio Remote Control, I took down the whole system & rewired. 3 Harmonic Technology Truth-Link interconnects from the Theta Casa Nova to Aragon 8008-X3 were too long d...

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

System edited: Just bought an Placette Audio Remote Control with Audio By-Pass. This way I am able to do away with the Krell 300i integrated amp used as an pre-amp to run SACD & go through the Thet...

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

Update about Martin Logan stereo in Nuance & Fluence My Friends Systems web site, see - http://www.arduman.com/aa/Sayfalar/john/john.htm

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

Update in Nuance & Fluence My Friends Systems web site, see - http://www.arduman.com/aa/Sayfalar/john/john.htm

posted over 21 years ago

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Electrostatic Dream

Holzhauer, Martin Logan stats are made in the USA, but any way...Tekunda, interesting set-up, tell us more about the Wytetech Opal, is it a pre-amp? Is the Wolcott mono blocks tubed or SS?

posted over 21 years ago

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MikE's Vacuum Tube Logic

I love the photos, wish more people would take avantage over the free 6 photo entries. Please tell me about the 3 Audio Alchemy units & how they work all together. Thanks JD3

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

Bought a 2nd AudioPrism WAVEGUIDE & placed both on the power cords of the Martin Logan SL3 speakers. In the near future I plan to buy 2 Synergistic Research active shield power cords to use on the ...

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

System edited: Move the main Martin Logan SL3 speakers from 3 ft 3 inches to 4 ft away from the back wall to increase soundstage & to place the Synergistic Research speaker cables with the Music Ha...

posted over 21 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

I just received the above items & here is the first report:I thought that the AudioPrism WAVEGUIDE came as a pair, but it was single. Therefore I wont use it on my power cords to the Martin...

posted almost 22 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

I just bought 2 AudioPrism WAVEGUIDE to go on my power cords with the Martin Logan SL3 speakers, 1 Extreme Phono NONE FELT MAT/STANDARD to go on my Rega Planar 3 turntable, & 8 MMF Music Hall CABLE...

posted almost 22 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

Last night I put up the Christimas tree & I had to move one of the main NHT VT-2 speakers a few inches closer to the Sony flat plasma HDTV. My wife then said "I want a normal room without all ...

posted almost 22 years ago

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My Therapy!

Your system is the next step up from mine (JD3 NHT VT-2). I have the NHT VT-2 mains with VS-2a center & rears. What made you buy the Velodyne HGS-15 II? I have an audio buddy with the NHT 3.3 with ...

posted almost 22 years ago

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Genesis:The end not the beginning.

I see speakers, CD player, & interconnects. Does the Audio Aero Capitol Mark II CD Player have volume control or an integrated amp?

posted almost 22 years ago

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My system

Cary makes a tubed CD that everyone is raving about, also Sonic Fronteriers has a tubed DAC. What's your price range?

posted almost 22 years ago

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JD3 Martin Logan SL3 NHT Sub 2 Stereo

CD Player: cheap 2nd generation Sony to late 1980ish Sony es to Sony CDP-XA7esRecord Player: mid 1970ish Phillips with $25 cartridge to Rega Planar 3 with Grado Ref Sonata cartridgeTaping: ...

posted almost 22 years ago

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JD3 NHT VT-2 Audio Video 5.1

System edited: This is more than a normal 5.1 DVD movie playback system, it is also very musical with a closed port NHT Sub Two sub. Sometimes I use a Krell 300i integrated amp in the system to pla...

posted almost 22 years ago

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OK for Time Being

I am guessing that the Audio Aero Cap is the CD player? Does it have its own volume control because I don't see a pre-amp in the chain, unless the KR EntVT-8000 is an intergrated amp.

posted almost 22 years ago

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