Vinyl dominant System

Thanks for the kind words Linnie. You have a good eye, however it was not a Kolector, it was a Pekin tuner. Almost all Linn except for amps.. upgrading to these were breathtaking

posted over 5 years ago

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Vinyl dominant System

Hifi, Thank you for your kind words. I agree 100% regarding placement of Rel.. I did have it there and was Constantly fighting boomy bass as well as standing waves (was was much louder when I ...

posted over 5 years ago

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Sonus Faber Guarneri system

What speakers did you have before the GHs?  I’ve really been wanting to find a pair of these for sale and replace my Linn speakers.

posted over 5 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

picked up newer version 242s to replace 212 and 221. i used to think i wanted solos and i have no desire to...these 242s just ROCK, and are way more musical than their little brothers...

posted almost 16 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

sold the 2 4200s, got a klimax chakra twin, akurate 221 sub, and upgraded to quadraspire acrylic reference wall mount for lp12 as well as 2 more shelves for pre and phono pre. the Twin is a GREAT a...

posted over 16 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

Tim,Thank you for your comments. As you can see i dont even have a cdp as i sold my ikemi to pay for new stuff. Your system is sharp! very clean and well thought out. FWIW i went from genki to ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

been thinking about getting a pr of klimax solos to replace 2 4200s and go back to passive...would love to hear some opinions...

posted almost 17 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

Tda, have you got your New Sonus Fabers hooked up to your solos' yet?

posted almost 17 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

recently added akurate 221 sub. very fast and musical..and blends in seamlessly. anyone use 2 subs?

posted almost 17 years ago

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My Ultimate System

have to go with Klimax Kontrol of your going to have Klimax amp and was the best upgrade i ever did

posted about 17 years ago

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I think ive got it this time

Thanks for your comments. I actually did have a sub, a Rel storm 3, when i had 100w chakra amps. i just recently upgraded to 200w chakra amps and lingo 2 (putting me over budget a bit) but didnt ne...

posted about 17 years ago

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Another Woman's Perspective

as a fellow linnie..i have to ask if you went from lingo1 to lingo2? my lingo2 will arrive thursday to go with ekos2, silver t cable, akiva, linto into klimax kontrol, activ akurate212s with 2oow c...

posted about 17 years ago

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