Rube Goldberg Ultra High End System

Am I reading correctly that you have an interconnect cable with a tube in it? What is the story behind that?

posted over 12 years ago

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Apartment Rig

Great apartment! Looks like you could control air traffic from your couch.

posted over 12 years ago

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Beautiful system and room. I just heard Tidal gear for the first time at CES. Very impressive. Where did you get it? Are you in the US or EU?

posted over 13 years ago

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A Woman's Perspective

Hi, glad to see you're posting again. How does your Esoteric gear compare to the Reimyo you had before?

posted over 16 years ago

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A Woman's Perspective

Hi, Twopippis, I saw that you recently sold your Reimyo CDP777. What did you replace it with, and how does it differ from the Reimyo?

posted almost 18 years ago

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A Woman's Perspective

Wendy - on your recommendation a while back, I checked out the Goldmund / Stellavox line for use with my Hawks, and ended up with a Goldmund VSR. How does the sound of the Mimesis differ from the S...

posted about 20 years ago

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