beetlemania's Ayre/Thiel system

Which cardas do you use?I have 3.7s and want a smoother top end.I’ve heard some use the clear and love them . ThanksDave

posted over 3 years ago

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gasman117's System

Oh Boy!!I've busy and made some great changes.Added a Richard Gray Power Company RGPC 400, and some bass traps and side panels from 

posted over 5 years ago

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gasman117's System

Gotta clean up the wires though.Haha didn’t think you’d check out my cd’s! I’ll have to polish up the presentation with some show-off cd’s out front.

posted over 5 years ago

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gasman117's System

Received the BHK preamp 3 days ago, been running it constantly.Initially it opened up the soundstage. Vocals are like the person is in the room. I could “see” James Taylor’s fingers moving on ...

posted over 5 years ago

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