Simply Beautiful

Thanks Tomic. our systems beautiful as well

posted 10 months ago

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Simply Beautiful

TableJockeyThanks for the kind words. My perfect is rare to medium rare!

posted over 3 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Just updated my system with new equipment and pictures. Its firing on all cylinders! Move from separates including monos to integrated. Took years to get rid of the highs being a bit bright an...

posted over 3 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

TonyGood to hear from you, glad you enjoyed your visit! Haven't update my system yet but now running a CEC belted transport using an integrated, Vinni Rossi L2se which has an intern...

posted over 3 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Been gone awhile, now back during the virus social isolation days. Thanks for the responses.Ricred1 The Rowland at 600 watts into 4 ohms, drives the 90db Von Schweirkerts to any san...

posted over 4 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Updated System description today to add Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier and  Mad Scientist Power Cords. Added all new pictures. I use the red blanket over the TV for  subtle sound improvement and  fo...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

System edited 4/29/18

posted over 6 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

System edited: Delighted with my new speakers, reviewed below. They recently won Best in Show by several reviewers at RMAF and review in major magazine pending in a few months. Review of Von Schwei...

posted over 9 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Aball Your room is also identical in dimensions to mine. I have been debating a sub of a long time - just changed speakers and now get room pressurization at loud volumes. Will live with this for a...

posted over 9 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Aball - looks terrific - what is that awesome double listening chair - looks mighty comfy and classy!

posted over 9 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Arthur Thanks you for the friendly and kind words. Glad you are also blessed to live in a beautiful area. Your system looks great as well.

posted over 9 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Aball Congratulations on your beautiful room and system. My room is the exact size as yours 38X22 and I have been considering a sub. Where did you position yours? Did you consider two smaller versu...

posted over 9 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

System edited: Nuforce Reference 20 Mono Amps Added Using live acoustic music and a grand piano in the same room with the system as reference, I finally had my system to a very nice place where all...

posted about 10 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

System edited: Ultra Initial Impressions Please keep in mind that my system was already sounding excellent, as best it ever has with all Master Built Signature speaker cables, power cords ,and bala...

posted over 10 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Rxman Thank you for your support and friendship - since you have blown your cover as my mystery modder I do have to tell people that you did an amazing job! All the work was precise and better than...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Charles1dad - Thank you for your kind words. Yup the closer to live rather than high hifi the better for long term enjoyment. Going to a real acoustic concert can really reset what real bass sounds...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Brownsfans - Thank you for the kind words. We have 70 degrees today and the leaves are beautiful, If you love hiking you will really enjoy. There rae 250 waterfalls in our county and many hikes of ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

System edited: Master Built Signature Cables Review.You may not believe what I am about to tell you, because I barely do and I am listening first-hand. I was willing to accept that wire (above ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Papermill, thanks you for your kind words. Yes I am so fortunate to have a beautiful space that feeds the soul. May your daughters give you as much joy as mine have me, and when the nest is empty I...

posted over 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Agear So far have done more mods on the Nuforce and have not heard the Hegel30 want still want to. Just did new roof and a wedding in January with another wedding in May (daughters) so Hegel is on ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

BlimoThanks you for your kind comments. I continue to enjoy the system and view. Daughter lived in Fort Collins and I liked visiting there

posted over 11 years ago

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My perfect imperfection

Liking it is a huge accomplishment - congratulations and thanks for sharing.

posted over 11 years ago

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New Ad-VENTURE for Bob

Did a search for Hegel this evening after being interested in the H30 for a few months and low and behold, my old friend Mrbob has one! Congradulations! Bet it is sweet with the Ayon. Since last po...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

No filter. Ayon connects via balanced IC's direct to mono amps

posted about 12 years ago

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Simply Beautiful

Tony your email posted did not work, even when I corrected to Please adviseThnaksJoe

posted about 12 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 76 posts