Trying to get inside the Music

Hi Pierre, sorry have been rather busy the past few months, no time to reply.Each item in my system has a history and came about from listening to them in different systems and ultimately i...

posted about 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Hi folks! Thanks for your comments - the system's sort of reached a very nice plateau right now and so I've stopped tweeking it for the time being and am just enjoying software. Currently looking t...

posted about 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Thanks Tito for your kind words. My music room happens to be my kid's drawing room also. The table I have in front of the sofa is covered with paper and I encourage my daughter to draw on it. So Mo...

posted over 16 years ago

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Analog for Deep Space Orbit

I like what you've done with vibration control. Does the MinusK work well? Did you make any comparisons between it and other isolation platforms, active or passive?

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

System edited: System Updated: Added 2 Symposium Ultras under the Watt Puppies in replacement of the original spiked feet. Trying to tighten up the bass a little and possibly reduce the cabinet col...

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Hi Elberoth2, we chatted on tube rolling recently on another thread. I was going to update that thread once I finalized the sound in my mind. In a nutshell, yes there is an improvement but not a lo...

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Thanks for you kind comments folks. Since posting the initial pics, I've added more pics to show the latest setup now.Yes Goheelz, you're pretty observant re the sound panels :-)Bot...

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

System edited: System changing all the time, last big change was the ARC CD7 and it's just about burnt in fully now. Sounding quite wonderful especially the treble. Bass a bit fat so currently play...

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Finally got around to grouping my gear together on-line. Will try to get some pics together soon. My room is built around the Louden Ratio with as little acoustic paneling as possible. Still workin...

posted over 16 years ago

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