my system

System edited: I have now added a turntable to my system. So far I am really enjoying it.

posted about 16 years ago

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my system

I now spend more time listening to music than I have in years. I sit and listen for hours. I love the CT6 and the Thiel 1.6's.

posted over 16 years ago

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my system

System edited: My CDM 9NT's have taken a back seat to my new Thiel CS 1.6's. Kimber Kable PBJ's have been replaced by Siltech wires.

posted over 16 years ago

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my system

System edited: I have replaced my CJ PV10, with a CT6. What a difference.

posted over 16 years ago

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Apartment Living SS

The CJ PV 10 is their entry level preamp. When buying one used, it's hard to beat the sound for the same price.Eben.

posted about 19 years ago

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my system

Thanks. I'll look into the power cord. I appreciate the input.Eben.

posted about 19 years ago

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Apartment Living SS

I don't know how much you are looking to spend, but here a couple ideas.As Shersta said, a tube preamp would give a nice warm sound. A Conrad-Johnson PV10 would be about $600 and under. I h...

posted about 19 years ago

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my system

I have made the change to the Jolida cd player. Besides tube rolling, does anyone have some advice on improving the sound? I would really appreciate any ideas you have.Thanks, Eben.

posted over 19 years ago

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