System (2022)

HI jond,No, the Genelecs stand in their own right. however, the system is largely a consequence of my venturing into the streaming and digital world where detail is now on a dif...

posted over 2 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Schubert,I agree that the shibata can sound slightly more critical in certain systems and have a tendency to prefer line contact styli. However, I still believe that the issue of detail ...

posted almost 10 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold,Huge apologies but a career change means that I have little time to myself these days and rarely visit A'gon. Anyway, I'm here now and regarding your question, I loved the MP-50. ...

posted almost 10 years ago

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Essential System

Hi All,Can any of you owners (or anyone who knows of an owner) of the Essential linephonopreamp, contact me ([email protected]) as I need help with making an adjustment from the ...

posted over 10 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Ddriveman,I am limited by what I can say here but suffice to note that I am aware of the difference as Jose upgraded the internals of my 3150 but not the case: and sending it (or anythin...

posted over 10 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Ddriveman,I am not technically gifted (or, to be honest, even interested) but from what I understand: a resistor blew. As a consequence I had to send it off to a local technician...

posted over 10 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold-not-the-barrel,Excuse my tardiness but I have so little time at present that I can't really follow the threads as I used to. Anyway, I've had huge problems with my Essential 3160 ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Again,Just a quick update regarding my promise.Promisingly, my system is still undergoing modifications and so I have not yet had the opportunity to do a full A/B test on the Tec...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Fast Mick,Again, another huge apology for my apparent tardiness in responding. I am enjoying the strengths of the new plinth very much and thanks for the kind words regarding its aesthet...

posted about 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Chris,Huge apologies for the delay in responding: I just don't get the time to keep up with events on Audiogon these days.Anyway, thanks for the kind words. My key partner in cri...

posted about 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Fast-mick,If you'd like to contact me off line I can discuss the design of the plinth. The key ingredients of this iteration are birch, acrylic, aluminium and pneumatic footers. I've jus...

posted about 11 years ago

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Essential System

System edited: I am still auditioning the sound but recent upgrades (including the use of a bespoke plinth) have brought noted improvements. Exciting times in Hi-fi world.

posted about 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold-not-the-barrel,I think Axel should be able to help in optimising your M320 Improved and it will be interesting to see how it compares to your Ultra after that. Incidentally, I do ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold-not-the-barrel,Great news about the M320 Improved. Have you thought about sending it to Axel to ensure the cartridge is playing to its optimum? If you have or do come across a M42...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Dan,Great and it certainly seems that your options are improving along with your enjoyment. As I say, it would also be interesting to see how the M420 fairs in your comparisons - if only...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Dan,It's surprising how items that look so (relatively) cheap can be so sensitive and reward so well. If you get a chance to play around with the M420 along with your M320, your views wo...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Dan,Sorry, I didn't fully answer your questions. Regarding what changes Axel made, I know he put a new cantilever and elliptical stylus on and I believe he did other non-visible alterati...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Dan,The best technician I have found is Axel Schuerholz in Germany. He has done amazing work on some of my cartridges (including the M420 and my Technics P100 MK4) and on those of variou...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Dan,"with time, and learning where VTA and SRA are optimal, has made for the kind of response that I enjoy so much."I think this is true for the M420 (and, maybe, all t...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Islandmandan (Dan),I know there is said to be a huge difference between the 420 and the 415 and I believe some favour the 315 over the 320. Yet that's nevertheless really interesting fee...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi All,Can any one who owns the Acutex 315 III STR and the Acutex M420 STR explain what differences they hear between these in their set-up? I ask this question because Acutex rank the 420 ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold-not-the-barrel,That's another amazing feature of the 420's: they track exceptionally well. I use mine at 1.4g and the infamous (Telarc) '1812 Overture' can be played with every ca...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Hi Harold-not-the-barrel,Pleased to have been of some help and I totally understand the distraction of everyday life: I am in a not too dissimilar position myself.I like your intere...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Should have read:"won't apply in your 'current' case/set up". If you do go down the stand alone armboard route though, I hope it is helpful.As always...

posted over 11 years ago

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Essential System

Harold,Just saw your system and realised that the above won't apply in your case.Good to see you using an Acutex 420 STR. I've been using my modified one recently more and more as m...

posted over 11 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 79 posts