DBT's System

@tomic601 Thank you!

posted 5 months ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

@mikelavigne Your hifi setup is absolutely breathtaking!  I like the fact that you made the room acoustic treatment as important as the gear because we audiophil...

posted 6 months ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

@mikelavigne Your hifi setup is absolutely breathtaking!  I like the fact that you made the room acoustic treatment as important as the gear because we audiophil...

posted 6 months ago

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DBT's System

@jond Thanks so much!

posted 6 months ago

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DBT's System

@f208frank Thanks!  I’m having a cable shootout this weekend; Cardas Clear cable loom vs. Acoustic Zen Absolute cable loom!

posted 6 months ago

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DBT's System

@f208frank Thanks!  I’m having a cable shootout this weekend; Cardas Clear cable loom vs. Acoustic Zen Absolute cable loom!

posted 6 months ago

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DBT's System

@audphile1 Thank you!  It does sound really good and I’m thankful to finally have a system like this!

posted 6 months ago

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DBT's System

@mnappi Thanks!  Yes, the Sabrina X are a special set of speakers!  I have heard them with tube gear and they sound good.

posted 7 months ago

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DBT's System

Thanks so much!I’ve never heard any 300B SET amps, but I’ve never heard anything bad about them.  I’m confident they sing!The AGD’s excel with my Wilso...

posted 7 months ago

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jomonhifi's System

@jomonhifi Which preamp/power amp do you like the best with your setup; Gryphon Diablo 300 or ARC REF 6SE/160S combo?  Nice system by the way!

posted over 2 years ago

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