There goes the new car

love the system. but please kill that television! it's evil.That picture is a few years old, I still have that TV, it's from the mid-90's and doesn't get muc...

posted about 13 years ago

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Analog for Deep Space Orbit

Can you give us your opinion of the MSB M200's, and compared to other amp you've tried?

posted about 15 years ago

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A long way from Albuquerque...

Nice upgrade, Restock. Never heard any, but from what I've been reading the last few years, Shindo seems to make some really musical gear.Wanna give some insight to what the new toys brough...

posted over 15 years ago

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A long way from Albuquerque...

I know it's impossible to compare the two different vinyl setups now, but were the differences you perceived between the JLTI and Xono?

posted over 15 years ago

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There goes the new car

In your Era/JLTI comparison, had the Slee been powered up for 24 hours or more? If not, give it a try after a few days. Although, the price comparison between the two is no longer fair seeing that ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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There goes the new car

That's a helluva list. In fact, it's just about every phono I've had an interest in the last couple of years.I used to own the Gram Slee Era Gold mkV w/ the transformer-less GS EXP stepup a...

posted almost 16 years ago

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A long way from Albuquerque...

Terry Cain always said the Fi/Abby combo was "magic in a bottle". The A205A/Abby combo is another one of those freakish pairings. Try picking up a used one for ~$600 around here, you will...

posted almost 16 years ago

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A long way from Albuquerque...

Hey Restock,Have you ever had a chance to try out an Almarro A205A EL34 SEP amp with your Abbys? Man, it is one seriously sweet combo - quite possibly, one of the best amp/speaker c...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Now, that's the way to do a listening room!

posted over 16 years ago

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Low watt DIY bliss

Love your sense of style and wish I had 1/10th the taste. Unfortunately, bare, unbroken, surfaces can be a system's worst nightmare.That shiny table has to be causing one hell of a 1st refl...

posted about 17 years ago

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Low watt DIY bliss

Love your sense of style and wish I had 1/10th the taste. Unfortunately, bare, unbroken, surfaces can be a system's worst nightmare.That shiny table has to be causing one hell of a 1st refl...

posted about 17 years ago

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There goes the new car

Thanks for the compliment, Gawdbless.First off, my Bailey subs are the passive version without the integrated plate amp/crossover, so I need the Paradigm X-30 to integrate them. I am using ...

posted over 17 years ago

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A DIY Turntable For Three

The 3 VPI dual-motor flywheel drive units is an interesting approach. What is your reasoning for the ultra low power drive units?Seems to be the exact opposite of how Voyd used 3 high-torgu...

posted over 17 years ago

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There goes the new car

Hi Mitch,This is going to sound neurotic, but I've actually been thinking about moving the speakers back over to the open side the last few weeks. Unfortunately, I can't remeber clearly wha...

posted about 18 years ago

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All SET!

I've always wondered how 2 watts would sound on my speakers. I've wanted to try 2A3 or 45 amps. The I-Bens are the same efficency as yours, so tell me, how does it work?What kind of music d...

posted over 18 years ago

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All SET!

That's a really nice looking Madisound kit. The cabinery is fantastic.I bet that setup has an "immediate" sound, you can't get any more direct than an integrated SET amp and Foste...

posted over 18 years ago

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There goes the new car

Hey Chris,Man, your system is all-world!! Avantguards and Audio Note, nice. The 47 Labs fits in perfectly. I love the tonality and texture of my system, but there is nothing the blistering ...

posted over 18 years ago

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There goes the new car

Mre,John Wright told me that one of the best low-cost transports for the Bitsream would be a used Theta Pearl. Perhaps, even better than Melior/Museatex's own CD-D (which I own) because the...

posted over 18 years ago

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There goes the new car

Hi Mre2007,John Wright, former Museatex/Melior/Meitner engineer, does the mods for for those lines. The standard Bitstream upgrade to lastest specs cost $350, mine has extra power supply mo...

posted over 18 years ago

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There goes the new car

Interesting idea, Gmood1.I don't know. Checkout the new graph of my results.If I'm not mistaken(and I am a lot), the (double) horn loading is really supposed to work for enhancing t...

posted almost 19 years ago

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There goes the new car

System edited: Added an in-room frequency test from 20Hz-150Hz for my main speakers only, no subwoofers. The blue line is the famous $25 Radio Shack 33-2050 analog SPL meter, it is now discontinued...

posted almost 19 years ago

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There goes the new car

No subwoofers used in my readings. Just the IM-Ben double horns. I used 80dB as the base level because of how far the lows dipped under the "0" level, needed some padding. To comp...

posted almost 19 years ago

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There goes the new car

Gmood1,Well, my test had some bizarre results again. I used both the famous (and discontinued) Radio Shack 33-2050 & brand new RS 33-4050 Analog SPL meters simultaneously. Of course to make...

posted almost 19 years ago

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There goes the new car

Sounds good. I added an extra column to my Excel sheet so I can enter SPL readings from both meters. I'll do 20-200Hz again tonight.

posted almost 19 years ago

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There goes the new car

System edited: 255 wpc Hafler DH-500 added to power both passive subs

posted almost 19 years ago

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