Getting better

Edited to replace Arcam cd player with Cambridge Audio.  I made that switch 5 or 6 years ago, but never got around to updating this page.  The reason for making the switch is that an Arcam dealer i...

posted about 7 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Had to ditch my analog toys when I move to Hawaii. Total bummer, but I did not trust the moving company, even with my supervision, to get things here in one piece. I might add analog...

posted over 14 years ago

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Getting better

Makes perfect sense! That's wonderful.

posted almost 16 years ago

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Getting better

Thanks! I love it. My only complaint, if I can call it that, is the way the Cabasse reproduce the highest octaves on piano. I've swapped out various components, and cables, so it is the speakers. T...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Mitch2... well, that's quite a set of great questions you have! I'll do my best. Yes, there is more clarity with Gregg's cables and have more depth than with the AZ. My system tends to be a...

posted almost 20 years ago

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Getting better

Yikes...never responded to you, Katzs02! Sorry! The AZ were a little too dark and muted for my taste. Gregg Straley's DIY cables breathed new life and clarity into the system.

posted almost 20 years ago

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System edited: Took out some things (AZ Matrix Ref. II interconnects) and added some of Gregg Straley's ICs and speaker cables. Noticeable improvement in clarity! More snap.

posted over 20 years ago

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Audiophilia nervioso

You happy with the Kimber Monocles and the Plinius? I have a Plinius integrated (8200 mkII) going into Cabasse Farella speakers. The pairing is on the "dark side" and I'm looking to breat...

posted over 20 years ago

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Getting better

I like the Arcam a lot. It's hard to pinpoint precisely what I like about it, but compared to the NAD players I've had in the past, the Arcam is more open. It has a bigger soundstage, more clear ba...

posted almost 21 years ago

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Getting better

Yes, Eldragon, they are nice! OK, I'll check out the Skiffs for sale! What are you using at the moment?

posted almost 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Got rid of the old (1987) Cabasse and replaced them with the Cabasse Farellas. Nice addition! Any suggestions on cabling?

posted almost 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Just got a pair of AZ Matrix Reference II ICs. Now, need to figure out where they would work best! Who will be left standing when it's all said and done?!

posted over 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Just replaced the Goldring Excel VX (medium-output) with a Linn Arkiv (low-output) MC cartridge. This is a huge improvement! Much improved sound stage, greater detail, more authorita...

posted over 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Replaced the NAD 521i cd player with the Arcam Alpha 9. What an improvement!

posted over 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Just added Acoustic Zen Tsunami power cord.

posted over 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited: Sold the EAR 834P phono stage and have added Synergistic Research silver speaker cables. The speaker cable is temporary until my AudioQuest Argents arrive. Any suggestions on power c...

posted over 21 years ago

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Getting better

System edited:

posted over 21 years ago

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