Mike Lavigne's System

This definitely requires extended research. The next time Mike is out of town for a month or two, I will house-sit the barn and investigate at length.Hope you don't mind pizza crusts on the Roc...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

System edited: added Allnic HT 2500 head amp and Allnic Verito Z cartridge

posted over 14 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Hi, Sonofjim,I am now breaking it in a bit and it is wonderful. I will write an end user review when I have some more time on it. I cannot compare it with the L 4000, because I have never h...

posted about 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Pardon if you were joking, Lew.cjfrbw (2004 Subaru WRX wagon, $23,000.00)Maybe I will list my turntable light in your honor (Ross Dress for Less $5).

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

If you listed your system, you would see that Audiogon solicits the price statements for each product. It helps people who might be thinking of purchase to have a barometer when looking and its a l...

posted over 15 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Those turntables look wicked. I kind of miss the "behind the head" shot, though, it was your logo, like the Memorex guy with the flapping tie.

posted over 15 years ago

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Reflecting personal tastes

Congrats, Kip, looks like you went full bore ahead to maximize the potential of the micro seiki, gorgeous. Is that added flywheel passive?

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Hi, Agear,Yes, they make a transformer coupled line stage, the L 4000 currently available with stateside voltage. I have never heard it. It uses small pentodes with transformer coupling and...

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

I am sure that the Verito must be special if the phono stages are any indication. I have had a Clearaudio Harmony Mg and will stick with that for a while because it has excellent synergy with the t...

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

SonofjimI didn't audition it, you would have to contact Hammertone about the possibility. It seems a common evolution that most owners of the H 3000 have gotten the Allnic H 1500, are bowle...

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

It is easy maintenance with compressed air and computer keboard dusters, no different from any number of tube amps with open chassis.

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Hi, Bob,Thank you for your remarks. The Allnic H 3000 is a remarkable piece, you are lucky to own one. Please give more impressions on the Verito cartridge as you become familiar with it, w...

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

System edited: updated phono stage

posted over 15 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Hi, Perrew,I am not a 'cable' person or a "power cord" person, but I do use pure silver "Crystal Clear" audio brand cables from the the Allnic to the preamp with a very ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Thank you, Argyro, for your comments, I didn't see them before .Perrew, yes, the 1500 takes on a new life by replacing the raytheon 5842 tubes with real WE 417a. The JJ rectifier and the Raythe...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Digital love

I don't agree that Chadeffect's positioning scheme is wrong. Yes, it tends to vary from the rote dogma that Aps should be out in the room away from the walls. However, corner loading Aps is very ef...

posted about 16 years ago

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Digital love

Not fanning any flames, just stating that there is no specific efficiency for the Grand as stated: four amplifiers with four drivers and an active crossover means four different efficiencies. That ...

posted about 16 years ago

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Digital love

Although it's always fun to watch Vince and Florian wrangle, I don't know that the Grand's efficiency can be so easily dismissed or placed to a single efficiency. Most Apogees are rated at 3 meters...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

No problemo, I had to throw my unit out a over twenty years ago because it was un-repairable.However, I really liked it at the time, and seeing it crushed under a wheel as a "bad component...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

OMIGOD! You crushed an Advent Soundspace control under your wheel! I had that thing for years and loved it, my first surround processor.

posted about 16 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

System edited: Da Vinci Grandezza 10 inch tonearm added, took some creative manipulation to get it mounted on SME 30 with proper geometry but finally did it, had to rotate the standard SME baseplat...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Hi, Steve,I actually heard this Nottingham table at Dmitri's a while ago, it is a very nice deck and Dmitri is an interesting, knowledgeable audiophile with an intriguing array of single en...

posted about 16 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

System edited: Components changed

posted over 16 years ago

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This is not a System! But getting there.

I think your philosophy about sampling to get the right sound for you is right on, it is a great luxury to be able to mix and match so many nice pieces. I have had a rather eccentric result based o...

posted over 16 years ago

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Blythe Spirit

Hi, Vince,Sure, drop a line when you are ready.

posted over 16 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 39 posts