To see and feel the music

Well done Arthur! Even if it had come by well funded parents, I get tired of hearing from jealous people of others good fortunes! BTW, I sent you an email via AG about a week ago, did you g...

posted over 11 years ago

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To see and feel the music

I will be very curious of your results if you do.

posted almost 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Hey Arthur, no French here, but I recently took my Luxman out of the Furman for a time and what a pleasure when I put it back. Fuller, warmer, more dynamic and just plain more enjoyable.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Brian's system!

I find that I never fully recognize the impact something made until I use it a while and then go back to what I had before. It's a clearer perspective, and gives expectations tim...

posted almost 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

That is great Arthur, sounds like you nailed down a great system after a lot of great experimentation.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Brian's system!

I am removed from the hobby quite a bit these days Arthur and I have had the Furman for 4 years, so I couldn't remember what I thought after I got it, but I thought I posted something so I checked ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Sounds to me that the sensitivity of your speakers makes them a good candidate to judge certain aspects of an amp.

posted almost 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Hey Arthur, I owned a CA2200 back in 2004, with the matching pre and CDP. Beautiful (looking) matching setup, but I soon after picked up 802D's and sold the setup as it wouldn't sing in my room.

posted about 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Hi Arthur. I didn't realize McIntosh had made a change to their amps. The change sounds very encouraging.

posted over 12 years ago

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To see and feel the music

Good stuff Arthur. Congrat's on your journey and putting together a nice system/room. Count me in as one that would hunt you down if ever traveling through W. VA.

posted over 12 years ago

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Brian's system!

I concur Arthur, vocals are simply amazing; I am coming from Harbeth which are known for their vocals, and rightly so, yet these excel. Jed used a top RAAL driver, where I have heard some are restr...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

I hadn't heard this model Drubin but I had heard the Minuet M72. A friend of mine is friends with Jed of Clearwave, and a dealer. My friend had the Minuet M72's and brought them over, where I was q...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Hi Lapierre,In regards to the Harbeth's, I (believe I) could easily live with them again, these were one of my all time favorite speakers and I was fine without a sub. They would be my firs...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

System edited: Replaced Harbeth SHL5's with Clearwave Symphonia 72R's; I also replaced my speaker cables a month or so ago.

posted almost 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

About 6.5 feet from cabinet to cabinet, so about 7.5 feet center to center.

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Hi Fripp--I really don't know the answers to all your questions, but will provide this: I am in a rural area. We do not have brown outs. I have a dedicated wire running from my panel to my system, ...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

M40.1's are out of my reach these days; I have heard them before a few years back and really liked them.You may be right Mapman, as it seems to be doing just that.

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

You may be right Mapman. As I say, I definitely wish for a fuller sound for this large room, but at the same time, I sure am enjoying music! I really liked my W/P's and while the "litt...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Branislav, the Sason's were fuller (had more weight), where these are leaner. The Sason's did better than other speakers I have had with depth, but the Harbeth's are without question the best I hav...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

I need very little of the Luxman to run the Harbeth's, usually around 9 o'clock on the dial. My experience with the Harbeth's hasn't fully mirrored other reports, as mentioned; I was expect...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Mapman, the room is indeed quite lively. It has been most notable to me while talking on the phone and I go down the hallway into the bedroom and the sound difference in my voice is very noticeable...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Hi Lapierre, the midrange is wonderful, as reported with these. The resolution, imaging and depth is some of the best I have experienced.

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Hey Arthur, awhile indeed. I have wanted to try the Harbeth's for a long time but was always concerned about them being too small for my room and I indeed wish for a fuller sound. That said, even t...

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

Must be late, I had to read it twice to get it. ;)

posted about 13 years ago

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Brian's system!

System edited: Switched to Harbeth SHL5's; I have wanted to try these for a long time.

posted about 13 years ago

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