continually evolving...

System edited: following an "incident" between my cleaning lady and my dynavector, i decided to use this as an opportunity to upgrade my cartridge. eventually i will upgrade my gram amp 2se to the ...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rig mkIII

i have to admit that i only recently bought the scout. my first turntable in twenty years!! i still need to get a descent pair of interconnects!!! hence my query about the vpi ones... they seem lik...

posted about 19 years ago

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The Rig mkIII

sorry to hear about your back. good luck with the surgery.i have the standard platter and was wondering where to start with inevitable upgrades... platter, motor, or upgrade to the scoutmas...

posted about 19 years ago

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The Rig mkIII

did you get the vpi with the tnt platter, orwas that your upgrade? asking as i am curious how different the sound is between the two? also what do you make of the vpi interconnect?

posted about 19 years ago

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well thank you for your kind words! i have gone ahead with the gram amp 2se, and so far i'm really enjoying it! i'm a bit shocked how much more i'm enjoying the dynavector/vpi/slee combination over...

posted about 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: inclueded new photos.

posted about 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: ok, so i took the plunge and bought an analogue front end... and since buying it, i haven't listened to anything else, even though i have a pretty limited vinyl collection! (it is ho...

posted about 19 years ago

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i was wondering what your thoughts were on the graham slee phono stage? i have a minimax pre too, and am curious about the synergy between the slee adn the mini? cheers.

posted about 19 years ago

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The Music Room

can you give me your thoughts on the VAC 70/70? i'm thinking about a 30/30, and would be interested to here what you have to say.

posted about 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: finally got a proper digital camera!!!

posted about 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: switching the nordost cables for the OMiga Audio Deliverance power cords has really lifted the system. there is an amazing sense of presence to the sound, not sure if i'm there or th...

posted over 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: i've now switched the nordost power cables (shiva and vishnu) for Omiga audio's deliverance cables throughout. increased body and sense of presense.

posted over 19 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: just adding a vishnu, which i expect will end up on either the cd player, or the pre (after a little experimentation!). First it will get a bit of a burn in on the power amp.

posted almost 20 years ago

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Life Beyond L.A.

i actually switched sockets for the power supply (because i was switching between the st70 and the auricle). that small little change made all the difference. it is now clear that it far surpasses ...

posted almost 20 years ago

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Life Beyond L.A.

i'd love to hear your thoughts on the auricle. i have one myself, but i'm still trying to sort out all my cabling, which is leaving me a little undecided at the moment.i recently switched b...

posted almost 20 years ago

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continually evolving...

have now added Eichmann Technologies silver bullets, replacing the stock plugs on the RS Audio silvers. it sounds very nice, but i have to admit that without being able to a/b the change, it's very...

posted about 20 years ago

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continually evolving...

originally i wasn't sure what cd player i was going to go for. i had been thinking i would go for a meridian 507 or naim cd5, or something along those lines. i then demoed the cd5, and the dealer s...

posted about 20 years ago

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continually evolving...

System edited: i realised that the thumbnail wasn't working for some reason, so here goes again. vinyl is unfortunately just not an option, but i have to say that the present system is sounding pre...

posted about 20 years ago

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