Moving up

My rack is a from Plateau, purchased at

posted over 16 years ago

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Moving up

Thanks for your comments Glenfihi. I am really enjoying my system lately. I have been listening almost everyday when I get home from work for 1-2 hours. I listen to everything from Brahms to AC/DC ...

posted over 17 years ago

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Moving up

You'll have to excuse my inability to verbally describe the difference Jason. It sounded better to me. ;) I don't think that I've really listened to enough high-end systems to make good comparisons...

posted over 17 years ago

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Moving up

The difference between the VK-3i and the VK-30? I hate to say it, but I think that I may actually like the 3i better sonicly (is that a word?). I still have both, so I may end up keeping the 3i. I ...

posted over 17 years ago

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Moving up

First, let me say, I am far from any sort of "tube rolling" expert. I can just tell you the differences that I heard. In the VK-3i I replaced NOS 6H23 with JAN Phillips 6922's and the Sov...

posted over 17 years ago

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Aerial 7B / Musical Fidelity A5 INT / CDP

Superdoof, you have a very nice system. I have always heard great comments on the Aerial line, but have never had the opportunity to hear them in person. I was just wondering what would be even bet...

posted over 17 years ago

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Moving up

System edited: I have replaced the BAT VK-3i with a BAT VK-30. The new pre-amp also has the VK-P3 phono stage installed, which replaced the Music Hall Phono-Pak. Also I had damaged the stock Goldri...

posted over 17 years ago

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Aerial 7B / Musical Fidelity A5 INT / CDP

What type of speakers are you planning to replace the Aerials with?

posted over 17 years ago

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my basement getaway

Very nice! My basement is very similar. How do you like the Revel's? Was your basement a DIY project or did you hire someone?

posted over 17 years ago

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Moving up

System edited: I have finally had a chance to take some pictures of my system and get them uploaded. After many changes over the last several years, I think that I am happy. I just re-tubed the VK-...

posted about 18 years ago

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Moving up

System edited: Have made a number of changes lately. Added the Von Schweikerts, the BAT amplifier and new speaker cable and interconnect between the amp/pre-amp. I'm very happy with the performance...

posted over 18 years ago

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Moving up

Thanks for the suggestion Gonglee3. Any recommendations on that upscale CD player? Let's say somthing I could get used here at audiogon for less than $1,000?

posted about 21 years ago

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