Albert Porter's System

Earthstones,I think you have me  confused with another person.  I do not have any earthstone products and the VTL in the first image is VERY old, I use Allnic M5000 f...

posted about 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

See new image of Studer A820

posted about 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Studer A820 arrived, it is near perfect and all 21 component boards are off being rebuilt and renewed to as good or better than when new.Image of new Studer soon, it’...

posted about 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Finally found a near perfect Studer A820, I bought it but due to Covid-19 crisis can’t pick up for a couple more weeks.

posted over 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Watch soon for ad here at Audiogon for my custom built Steve Smith Studer A810 Archival machine.  It plays quarter and half track,  quarter inch tape and is four speed version as well as NAB a...

posted over 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Koetsu Blue Lace is mounted, currently less than ten hours toward break in.  This is an amazing cartridge, the first time I’ve owned a contender for number one spot since buying the Air Tight ...

posted over 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Ordered Koestu Blue Lace as alternative to my Air Tight Opus and Mutech.The waitto build and deliver is 1.5 months, hope it meets my expectations.

posted over 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I recently purchased several  iFi AC mains purifiers, they are very effective at reducing noise in my system. Best results were obtained when placed in line with ...

posted over 4 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Very excited to have ended three year search for near perfect TTM three piece record stabilizer.   The previous single piece model was my reference for years and...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Lots of changes and too busy to sit down and correct.   Today added component images and text:Degritter Ultrasonic LP cleaning machineMutech Hayabusa MC cartridge<...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hello Mike,Those devices on my AC cables are there to prevent loss of conductivity from vibration.   They are made by Furutech and called NCF booster.NCF boosters are available in s...

posted about 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I just ordered a match quad of Emission Labs 300B tubes to try in the Allnic L-10000 and if successful maybe put in the H-8000 phono stage.Currently my reference is T...

posted about 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

That’s a super looking turntable and since it’s a Technics SP-10R motor it may well be the "best" out there.   The only problem is price.  Based on what SAT charges for their tonearm the tu...

posted about 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I've been experimenting with tubes, recently purchased triple mica silver plate Mazda 12AU7 and Sylvainia dark glass 6AN8, both of which are required in the Allnic L10000....

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I sold my demo pair of Allnic M5000 mono blocks to a customer who I now regard as a friend.My new M5000 are completed, shipped and due to arrive this coming week.My Studer is in the...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The web address I provided is Mockingbird Distributon,  Phillip is a friend and the guy that brings in MuTech.You can contact me via any ad I have running at Audiogon or contact...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Henri,Mutech Hayabusa, and fairly reasonable price.   I prefer it to Kiseki Purple Heart which is a great cartridge.   Difference is primary in the high ...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

A friend has become distributor for a very nice MC cartridge, I listened to it and bought one for my system.  No, it's not an Air Tight Opus but it does share some character of it and yet blends co...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I did not know about him.   A purchase at Amazon brought up his name and album and from there I listened, read about him and bought both of his LPs.Turns out he's fro...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Last night I played a new demo tape, a near first generation Blue Note Jazz sampler and I think this is probably the best sound I've ever had from any system I’ve ever owned.   Not only this superi...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

First a warning to anyone who goes for this ultimate preamp from Allnic, break in changes are big time, even compared to the L-7000 with its big transformers.By warning, I mean don’t expect...

posted over 5 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Put NOS Mullard 12AU7 in L-10000, nice improvement.   Now trying Takatsuki 300B in place of sock Russian tubes.   This is a very fine preamp, quite beautiful.

posted over 5 years ago

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whitecamaross's System

Thanks BiIl,Considering price of many of the mono block amps today the $65K price does not seem unreasonable.I import Allnic and their new top tier amp is $45K and of course the new...

posted over 5 years ago

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whitecamaross's System

Thank you for link, my search engine did not find their home page.   Beautiful design and information on home page is interesting.  None of the reviews in Englis...

posted over 5 years ago

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whitecamaross's System

I have not seen those amps before.  Can you describe them?

posted over 5 years ago

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Showing 26 - 50 of 2914 posts