Albert Porter's System

Rick, the Bozak Concert Grand is a speaker I am proud to have owned. Like much of the classic gear built in the same era, it is a work of art to be appreciated.The rubber coated metal (alum...

posted about 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Any Audiogon member traveling this way only need phone before their visit. I have a wife and son so I can't guarantee an open spot, but will make every effort.There is nothing like listenin...

posted about 20 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Everyone's saying that about the Meitner. It must be a step above all the other digital gear to get this buzz. Maybe someone finally got digital right.If you ever decide to venture into ana...

posted over 20 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

I am sorry I missed this until today, I am extremely impressed! Wilsons X2's driven by ARC Ref 600's, you must have dynamics and head room to die for. Congratulations on a superb system. I ...

posted over 20 years ago

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Janos's gear in France

That set up is ABSOLUTELY beautiful. Even before listening I would just stand there and soak up the room. Exactly my style and being in France is a huge bonus.

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Thank you Gary. I can't afford the Great Northern mod and mine has no volume control. I'll check out caps in position C1 and C7 and price subs in Hovland and maybe TRT Infinicaps. I plan on waiting...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

I have Mullard, Telefunken and others (would have to look at my supply). I'm sure one of them will be vastly superior to the original tubes.I wonder about coupling caps. Several people here...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

My Lenco produced music today!!My EAR 834 P phono arrived and I plugged it into my Aesthetix Callisto and put on Mark Knopfler. The music is a bit muted and lacking due to new phono, new wi...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Dennis, I am embarrassed to say that between family matters and HE 2004 in New York, I have not hooked up the EAR 834P and listened.I will do so this next week and give a preliminary report.

posted over 20 years ago

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Sweet Sounds in the Country - New Pics!

Thanks and keep the great posts coming about your system. It's an asset to Audiogon.I would still like to listen while enjoying the great view you have :^).

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I know about the amps. Jim White and I have been discussing them for two years. I have a strong opinion about one of his tube choices. It will be interesting to see what he decides to do.

posted over 20 years ago

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Sweet Sounds in the Country - New Pics!

Djbnh, Joe S is a friend and customer of mine. I got him his Soundlab speakers and I know what's in his system. His findings are valid in the context that he tested them and seem to apply to your s...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Dennis, believe it or not, there is a great deal of performance gain in using a preamp with the Io. I tried the Io with volume controls and although it has enough gain to get the amps up to full vo...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Gregm, looks like a cool project, lots of adjustment for various years of LP's and 78' releases. Considering the range of part brands and types that would work in that circuit, it would be a lot to...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The Soundlab updates will provide more choices than ever. Possibilities include Atma-Sphere MA-1 Silver Edition, Atma-Sphere MA-2 (without the Zero). Stay with my VTL 750's in Triode (about 300 wat...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Max, the update will be available in about a month and will apply to the A-1, U-1 and M-1 immediately. I assume the M-3 and A-3 will follow.Your friends A-3's (if that's what they are) are ...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Thanks for doing this test Alex, it will be interesting to see if the Tele's work for you. A lot of tube swapping is about tonal balance, soundstage and such, so you may or may not like what they d...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Max, got to agree with your assessment of Svetlana 6550's and EL 34's. I too love the Svetlana and (in general) all tube amps using the EL 34 output tube.Zaikes and I do not have the exact ...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

I am ordering a EAR 834P Deluxe and expect it within two weeks. After break in will try various NOS tubes.For now my Lenco will have to get by with an ADC XLM that was given to me by a frie...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I very much like the midrange of the Telefunken 12AT7. It has much the same personality and transparency that the Tele 12AX7 is famous for.The Mullard is a bit darker, some may say richer, ...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Zaiks, that is about the kindest offer anyone has ever made. I appreciate it, but will likely just buy some EH's so I can try a full set. Have you ever tried Telefunken 12AT7's? I will retu...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

As of today I am seriously considering the Goldring 1042 as the front runner cartridge choice. One of the guys in my audio group just bought the new Shure V15. That would be a nice test, putting th...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Zaiks I may try them. Certainly the EH KT 88 are cheap enough. I'm still accustomed to shopping for NOS Mullard EL 34 Xf2, so new Russian power tubes are a bargain by comparison.You did not...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Exhibited at the US Mint long ago, there was a stack of gold bullion for tourists to view.Everyone would ask if they can have some and one guard always amused himself by saying: "Sure, if y...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Gunbei, no harm in us trying these old pieces, particularly with so little investment in them. Speaking of old pieces, I would love to restore a 1955 Chevy. New cars are smoother, quieter a...

posted over 20 years ago

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