69zoso69's System

The Podiums brought a noticeable focus and solidity to the presentation. Voices and instruments have a little more air between them. Transients are a tad cleaner. Once I heard them I knew they were...

posted 12 months ago

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69zoso69's System

@tuberist Thanks. Looking to make some changes here soon. I've got a Decware Zen 25th Anniversary and a pair of Atma Sphere Class D mono blocks on order. Ti...

posted over 1 year ago

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69zoso69's System

Thanks jond. It took some begging and pleading to get these speakers into my system. My wife thinks they're ugly and too big for our listening room. I actually came down from the larger Pendragons ...

posted over 3 years ago

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69zoso69's System

Funny, this room was “the listening room” before I set up my stereo system in it. I begin each day sitting in meditation for 30-45 minutes in front of the Mandala (screen). I now have a dual relati...

posted over 3 years ago

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thosb's system

I’ve heard a system nearly identical to yours, which had me starting on the path to sonic bliss many years ago. My friend had tube pre-amp into his Krell amp and out to his Thiel’s. The tubes reall...

posted over 3 years ago

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