
Started at the age of 19 with a home cinema system it has grown out to be a very nice stereo system

Greetz bart

Components Toggle details

    • ASR Emitter I
    Very solid amp with separated power supply.
    • NAD T532
    DVD player
    • Apogee Mini DAC
    • Linn K400
    I use it for my front speakers
    • Siltech Sq28
    Silver injected with gold
    • Mit Avt 1
    Avt 1 with Terminator 3 filter!?!
    • REL Acoustics Strata mkIII
    Nice sub going very low
    • NAD T762
    Home cinema receiver
    • Dali Suite 2,5
    My fronts
    • Master base
    has to stop vibrations to enter my dvd player
    • Dali suite center
    center speaker
    • Dali suite rear
    rear speaker
    • Save the Emitter 1 Emmitter
    My emitter had burnt down one of his relays
    • Save the Emitter 2 Emitter
    We have removed the rotten tooth and replaced it. Amp is playing again, like the MUSE's them self.
    • TEAC VRDS T-`1
    reference transport
    • sony ux280p
    UMPC for school work and entertainment
    • CEC BD2000
    antic but still functional record player
    • Denon DL-160
    My first cartridge, alternatives are welcome(sounds a bit to warm and blury on the low side)
    • Musical Fidelity XLPS-V3
    phono preamp
    • Batterygeek PPS-130
    A accu system capable of poweing my Apogee DAC. Bass get's tighter and the high frequency's clearer
    • Logitech Duette
    streaming audio
    • Tivoli Audio PAL
    portable radio
    • PS audio UPC200
    power filter

Comments 34

Right you are Ggante, but my parents won't let me treat my room. And even if I would treat it, it would still be to small for this setup


A word of advice from an old timer. Before you spend any more on equipment or cables, consider treating your room surfaces. Too much reflecting is never a good thing. Even some cheap carpeting will help. There's plenty of ways to deal with it with out spending a fortune, and you can take it with you when you move out. The best equipment in the world can't make up for a bad acoustic environment.
Good luck.


System edited: Repaired my emitter (see components)


System edited: Changed my digital connection MIT Avt 3 for a model Avt 1 much better sound and 3D projection.


Hey Bart,

You have a very nice system. I wish I had something so nice at your age.



Thanks all fore the nice replies. At first I am going to upgrade the digital interconnect MIT Avt3 to Avt1. Then I am going to save some money for a period of time to buy a nice set of speaker wires.

Greetings, Bart


Wow, an Emmitter, Apogee, & Dalis at 19! Nice system (as you obviously know by just listening). Try another wire for the front speakers: a diy for example. I suggest a single core copper. Use magnet wire 1-1,2mm. Lots of diyers in Holland so you'll have lots of recipes at hand.

Albert's wishes to you about the lady are seconded.


Nice Stuff, I nice to see like fine music through a fine audio sytstem at a young age, Keep up the good work



Congratulations, a mighty fine rig for 19 years old. Way better than what I had at that age.

I hope you have (or will find) a beautiful Dutch girl that appreciates your hard work and will sit and enjoy the music with you.


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