
Update Oktober 2010: Already upgraded to Meridian DSP 5200. I was hooked on the DSP sound and thought 'what the heck'. Pictures will follow.

Update september 2010: I added an Onkyo digital dock with Ipod classic 160. The dock extracts the digital data from the Ipod which serves as a simple and portable sound server. The dock goes straight into the DSP speaker where the digital signal is handled. Sounds amazing really!

Keep it simple. No cable hassle or trying to find the perfect match between amp and speaker.

Just a source that runs digitally to the speaker. Digital Signal Processing in the speaker. Each unit its own amplifier.

Looks and handles simple. Sounds very detailed at all sound levels, great stageing.

Components Toggle details

    • Meridian DSP 5200
    2,5 way DSP speaker
    • Oppo 83
    Oppo player plays all disc types.
    • Onkyo digital iPod Dock
    Digital dock that gets the digital information of an ipod

Comments 22

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Yeah! It's nice to have a system that just shames others you hear. I used to have such a system that worked for me, though not quite in your league. I will have to look into a rig like this as I like a minimalist component system anyway.

In keeping with your minimal component system, is it possible to add smaller rear dsp speakers and feed it from your Oppo for multi-channel movies and sacd?


Impressive modernism!
You list a cdp and dsp speakers. Do your amplified speakers control the volume and does it use a remote? Is the TV hooked up to it too?
