
Made a number of significant changes over the past year, notably the Ayre CD player, Mac C500 pre-amp, and the Audience power conditioner. I also upgraded to Tara Labs power cords with PAD speaker cables and interconnects. I am very pleased with the sound of my current system - very detailed and open yet musical and engaging. However, one can't help but to wonder how a more capable pair of speakers would sound in this room...

Components Toggle details

    • Ayre Acoustics C-5xe mp
    Universal CDP
    • McIntosh C500T
    Dual chasis tubed pre-amp
    • McIntosh MC 402
    Very powerful and dynamic but with a relaxed, forgiving, tube-like sound. My last amplifier for a very long time.
    • Purist Audio Designs Venustas
    Latest Preasto Revision Edition. 1.0M XLR from the CDP to pre and pre to power
    • Focal JM Lab Nova Utopia Be
    3-standing floor way with Beryillium tweeter
    • Purist Audio Designs Proteus
    7 feet
    • Salamader Designs S30
    5-shelf component stand
    • Virtual Dyanmics Nite II
    Added detail and microdyanamics. Used on the Mac power amp
    • Tara Labs The One AC power cord
    PC for the CDP and pre
    • Audience Adept Response R12
    Power conditioner
    • ASC Tube traps
    Dramatically improves soundstaging
    • GIK Acoustics 4 Tri-traps, 2 244s, 3 242s
    Acoustic panels and corner traps which tightned up the bass, opened up the soundstage, improved the imaging, and tamed the bright treble.

Comments 73

Thanks for the kind comments.

Joeweiss, the C500t is an absolutely incredible sounding unit and looks undeniably stunning on the equipment rack. I didn't compare it to other Mac pre-amps but I figured the 2300 would be a lateral move from my previous pre, the BAT VK-31Se. As other owners will tell you, the 500 is not a "plug in and play" unit. It is very complicated and can be difficult to set up. I recently had a power surge and subsequently, only one channel of my system was working. After much experimenting over the course of several days, it was determined that the umbilical cords that connect the two units of the 500 were at fault. Mac is sending out a new pair this week ($110). I would still highly recommend the 500T based on the sonics but warn of its complexity.


Hey how do you like the c500t? I am looking at getting one too. It looks so good with the tubes in the front! Did you audition the c2300 and compare them? I cant decide if I should go fully balanced with the c500 or not with the c2300 and get much better speaker/interconnect cables. Your system looks great.


all I can say is "wow". Very nice.


System edited: New system pics added


System edited: System now contains Purist Audio Designs Venustas Interconnects and Proteus Speaker Cables. I was not prepared fot the results.


Adam I found the leading edges were cleaner when I used BDR #3 cones under my CD3MKll (every little bit helps)!! I haven't owned any BAT pre's but my Calypso's performance was improved with isolation. The sum of these two tweaks was a big improvement in leading edge hash!!!


Hi - Looks like a very nice enjoyable system - Just wanted to share something you might consider - I have replaced my diamond back which feeds my Hydra with at first a Taipan Helix and then a python Helix - Both of these made such a dramatic improvement it was unbelievable - These cords are fairly affordable now that shunyata has a new line out - the helix cords are super - This had started me on a power cord frenzy - BUT the biggest improvement in every way - no compromise and night /day difference has been from the wall to the Hydra - Let me now if you try one ..TONY


System edited: Just recieved the ARC CD3 MKii CD player to replace my Stello CDT 200 Transport/Electrocompaniet ECD-1 DAC. Was tempted by the reviews and build quality of CDPs from both Wadia and Esoteric, but in the end, I went with a player that suited my listening preferences. Engaging and musical yet detailed, dynamic and extended. I intend to log many pleasant hours in the listening chair with this unit as my new source.


It looked as if you exceeded your stated limit, but IMO you spent the extra in the right place with the KS 3033 cables, enjoy the 3.4's now that they'll be well fed and singing!!!!


Adam, welcome to the Dynaudio family. I've had my 5.4's now for three great years, and the system just gets better around them. I first fell in love with the 3.4's (it didn't hurt that they were connected to 40-50K worth of Musical Fidelity's best), but I thought they were the smoothest, sweetest sounding speakers I had ever heard. I wound up buying a demo pair of the 5.4's for the same price as the 3.4's, so I snapped 'em up, never even listened to 'em til I got 'em home, best purchase for system ever, and they are here to stay.

They do love clean power, and lots of it, so it sounds like you're all set with the Mcintosh amp.

I wish you many years of contented listening, enjoy!


Dpac, as a loyal Mac owner, if you need additional power - go with the Pass. Those who have heard both indicate that the Pass is subjectively more dynamic despite its lower power rating. Then again, since you've already owned the Pass, it might be nice to experience the different character of the Mac.


Nice setup. My friend had the s3.4s with mc402, driven by cary slp-05 and a marantz sacd player. It was very a musical, dynamic setup that i've always looked forward to hearing. I'm currently toying with the idea of mc402..or pass x250.5 (actually had this amp with my former s3.4s) to go with the s5.4s but I have to sell my Plinius SA102 first (the big dyns need more juice). It's such a DOG market though, i'm practically having to give it away.
Just a few months ago and this amp would have been sold in moments...anyway, awesome setup. I'm sure it sounds wonderful!


Thanks for the new comments. It actually feels quite odd to be at a point where you can't think of any necessary upgrades but I'm happy to have made it to this point.

Arthur, I had a chance to play the KS on my B&Ws for one day prior to the arrival of the Dyns. I was startled at the level of detail and microdynamics relative to the SR. Even more shocking was that the presentation was pushed siginifcantly back. For those who contend that cables don't have a significant impact on sonics, I wish you all could have been there to hear the differences. I tend to prefer equipment that leans towards the warmer side (Mac, Cardas) since the majority of my listening material is very bright and poorly recorded.

Sam, I was intending to go with Kimber Monocle XL but the owner of a legendary h-fi shop in Toronto (American Sound) was offering her personal KS 3033s that she used on her Grande Utopia's for a fair price. It was much more than I had budgeted to spend but I couldn't turn it down. I still haven't had a chance to push the system yet but the differences so far, even at low levels, are extraordinary.


Boy you took a big step, the system must sound soooo much better!!! How does the KImber compare to the "old" SR? Looks great too!!!


McIntosh and Dynaudio = killer bass performance. You have a great system put together.

I've had some Kimber Select and a local buddy of mine used to have a complete loom but, just FYI, those cables are quite warm and cuddly compared to the "average." If you ever want more dynamics out of your system, change these cables first.

Yeah, B&W isn't my thing either. I've had a pair of N804 and I've heard many others through the years but I never felt satisfied by their sound. They have great imaging but their soundstaging leaves a lot to be desired. The only setup I thought was natural sounding was 802D with McIntosh MC2301....but at what cost.

The MC402 is the greatest stereo amp I have ever heard. I plan on getting one one day.

Enjoy the music!



System edited: I have finally changed my speakers after seven years with the addition of the Dynaudio Contour S 3.4's. The imaging, soundstaging, low frequency response, and pleasantly detailed treble are beyond anything I was accustomed to with B&Ws. The new addition required a cable change to the Kimber Select KS 3033 since the Dyns do not accept bi-wire. The KS 3033 are a reference level all copper cable which reveal details and nuances in recordings that were previously undetectable.
This is the first time I have be completely satisfied with the sound of the system in the 12 years I've been involved in this hobby. The GIK acoustic treatments and the Dyns have brought my system to a level which I didn't think was possible. I have no urge to make any significant upgrades for several years to come with the exception of a new PC for the BAT. Although, being a frequent visitor to Audiogon, who knows what will tempt me ;).


System edited: System has moved


Wireless, when I decided to get a new power amp, my research through review archives and forums led me to the Pass X250.5 and the MC402. I recall reading a review in TAS in which the author described the Mac as the most musically satisfying power amp he had ever reviewed. I was looking for a powerful amp with a non-sterile, musical character and aesthetic appeal. My first choice was the Pass. I took home an X150.5 from a local dealer (the 250.5 wasn't available, the 350.5 too heavy) and found it to be bright and sibilant. I was very suprised since the Pass sound is described as being very forgiving. It may have been the limited power of the 150.5 or the fact that I only had it for 4 days. I auditioned the Mac in-store and decided to go for it and ordered one from here. The first week it was in my system was very underwhelming. However, it really started to open up and is now everything I would want in a power amp with the exception of slightly limited dynamics. Nevertheless, I cannot see my self replacing it for several years barring a significant change in finances for the better :). Hope you enjoy yours for many years as well.


Your experience with amps mirrors mine. I went through a number of amps and finally struck gold with an MC402. How did you end up finding and deciding to go with your mc402?


The extreme toe-in was necessary to tame the bright treble. The room is very narrow (10x15)and a bit of a sonic nightmare - determining the correct speaker placement to balance the room was a bit of a chore. The metal dome tweeters on the B&Ws were not making things any easier. As a result, imaging is obviously not the strongest point of my system. The center image is very strong but the soundstage just barely extends beyond the speakers. Coincidentally, my wife and I are putting an offer into a new home tomorrow with a nice room in the basement which I have some big plans for ;)


That's some serious toe-in! How is the imaging with a setup like that?


Thanks for the recent replies. With the pre/power combo, the urge to upgrade is mininal. I would love to get rid of the speakers but I will have to wait...for quite some time.


From Bat to Mac, very nice system. Enjoy the music. Glen


Looks like a great system to me, very well thought out and it looks great...I love that ultra clean look!


Yes, to me as well, McIntosh SS has the sweetest and most natural treble around. I agree the previous generations took it a little too far. I had a MC202 (same generation as the 352) and it was just too laid back for me and my system. The new 252 and 402 however are a different story. I have come close to getting a 252 a couple times but I am too satisfied with what I have now to change anything that drastically. Anyway, enjoy the music.



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