
Made a number of significant changes over the past year, notably the Ayre CD player, Mac C500 pre-amp, and the Audience power conditioner. I also upgraded to Tara Labs power cords with PAD speaker cables and interconnects. I am very pleased with the sound of my current system - very detailed and open yet musical and engaging. However, one can't help but to wonder how a more capable pair of speakers would sound in this room...

Components Toggle details

    • Ayre Acoustics C-5xe mp
    Universal CDP
    • McIntosh C500T
    Dual chasis tubed pre-amp
    • McIntosh MC 402
    Very powerful and dynamic but with a relaxed, forgiving, tube-like sound. My last amplifier for a very long time.
    • Purist Audio Designs Venustas
    Latest Preasto Revision Edition. 1.0M XLR from the CDP to pre and pre to power
    • Focal JM Lab Nova Utopia Be
    3-standing floor way with Beryillium tweeter
    • Purist Audio Designs Proteus
    7 feet
    • Salamader Designs S30
    5-shelf component stand
    • Virtual Dyanmics Nite II
    Added detail and microdyanamics. Used on the Mac power amp
    • Tara Labs The One AC power cord
    PC for the CDP and pre
    • Audience Adept Response R12
    Power conditioner
    • ASC Tube traps
    Dramatically improves soundstaging
    • GIK Acoustics 4 Tri-traps, 2 244s, 3 242s
    Acoustic panels and corner traps which tightned up the bass, opened up the soundstage, improved the imaging, and tamed the bright treble.

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Sorry to hear, too bad there isn't something to reduce the risk of this happening again. That's quite a few incidents.
I would call Purist, to ask them about the cable situation.
Then you would know where you stood with insurance. If something is ruined, and you have the coverage, it should be replaced. Of course the regular folk at the insurance company will chuckle. I just had a flood caused by power outage and Sump Pump not working. I had 10K coverage for Sump Pump related failure. My system is not in that basement fwiw. I made sure to get things properly dried out, and had a moisture reading taken. Of course insurance took care of the restoration Co for that.
