
MOSTLY ANALOGUE, ALL TUBE:  Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement & DaVinci cartridges, Terminator tonearm with pivoting arm board, Clearaudio Master Reference turntable with ceramic magnetic bearing, Clearaudio Outer Limit (ring weight), Stillpoints LPI V2 record weight,  Custom mounting to isolate the turntable from the room, Aesthetix Io Eclipse with dual power supplies, Aesthetix Metis Line Stage, SR Purple fuses, Wavelength Mercury Ag SET amps with Emission Labs 20B tubes, Synergistic Research Level 4 and Galileo SX cables and interconnects,  Synergistic Research and Nirvana power cords, Equi=Tech 5WQ balanced power wall cabinet, Furutech outlets, Taiko Audio Daiza platforms, Symposium Ultra & Svelte Platforms, Symposium Rollerblocks & Point Pods, BDR cones and pucks, Avantgarde Trio Loudspeakers, REL 212SX subs.  Custom room designed by Rives Audio/Chris Huston, DIY Elmasonic P60H ultrasonic (record) washer, Loricraft PRC-4DL record washer. Aesthetix Romulus Eclipse CD player.


Room Details

Dimensions: 28’ × 21’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

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    Comments 5

    Showing all comments by cymbop.

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    This room is a beautiful thing of which you should be immensely proud.
