
Not much to say except: I LOVE MY SYSTEM.

Opinions, questions, comments, recommendations are most welcome. I really am looking for recommendations about equipment stands as that is an area where I need to do more work. Thanks.


Components Toggle details

    • Harmonix-Combak Reimyo CDP 777
    This is the finest piece of digital equipment I have had the pleasure of listening too. IMHO it is in many ways equal and or superior to analog. I sold my Basis rig to finance the purchase. While I will rebuild my analog set up when I can afford to (I have some great records hankering to played), I can honestly say I am not missing my turntable. I could have never made that statement before the Reimyo.
    • First Sound Highly modified Presence Deluxe
    I stumbled upon this little 4 piece gem on Audiogon. It has a Paramount upgrade and is a true Dual Mono design with 2 chassis and 2 power supplies. It has been further customized by having only a single output so the tubes are amplifying the signal directly. A pair of Seimans ECC CCa make up the tube compliment. Sound is incredible - vastly superior to the regular Deluxe MK2 which I previously owned. If there are 2 sources (not an issue currently) one must switch the interconnects in order to change components. That can be inconvenient, but it's all about the music right??? LOL
    • Audiopax 88 monoblocks
    These amps are a synergistic match with my Avantgarde Duos. They sound better than the Atma-sphere m-60s, KR Audio Antares (both exceptional amps in their own right) on these speakers. I feel these amps were "voiced" with the Avantgardes in mind. The fact that they have a tuneable bias helps with room integration and personal tastes. The adjustment is more of a balance control only you are adjusting from warm to analytical. It is subtle but easily audible.
    • Avantgarde Avantgarde Duo 2.2 w/ wire upgrades
    About a year ago I had the wiring (Cardas internal wiring, jumpers and the Rhodium binding posts) upgrade on my 2.2 This brought them up to 3.0 status. This is a worthwhile upgrade(around $2500)and the result is greater resolution (as if they weren't already astounding in that reagrd - HA) articulation and more seemless soundstage. However, nothing prepared me for the incredible change brought about by adding a second set of Avantgarde CTRL 225 subwoofers. Every performance criteria you can think of improved substantially. These speakers in regular stock form, are an arguably SOTA loudspeaker in most areas of performance. I was not prepared for how much better my system became as a result of 2 more subs. The most numerous complaints about Avantgarde Duos I have read is that the bass is not properly integrated with the rest of frequency range. I believe that this failure of integration is a result of sub-optimal set up. These speakers require (and deserve) careful set-up (feel free to email if you are having trouble). In any case, with the second set of subs, the bass became the best I have heard. Articulate, seamless, deep, you pick the adjective - They do it right. Set up is no longer as critical for integration as well. My theory for this vast performance increase is simple: Since you are doubling the bass output, you are halving any distortion and increasing dynamics in a speaker that was already about as dynamic as they come. The bass speed now keeps close pace with the horn drivers. The Avantgarde website called this modification "Mini Trios" With the new basshorns available, many Avantgarde Trio owners are unloading their 2 sets of 225 subs. Keep an eye out for some great prices for these 8K list subs. If there are other Avantgarde owners out there, I'd be happy to chat more about it.
    • Silversmith Palladium
    I replaced my Cardas Golden References with the Stealth Hybrid MLTs, after I got the Indras. I wanted to achieve an all Stealth synergy. However,I did not really notice any significant audible change when I made the switch. The Reimyo and Indra certainly changed the baseline for any meaningful reference point in my system necessary to make a good judgement on this speaker cable switch. Cardas makes and has been making a great cable for years. No hype...just good quality for the price. The Stealth is very good as well. I decided to leave my above original comments and add to them my comments about the Palladiums. First, I do not think of these as cables, but rather components. The Palladiums have for the first time shown me what my system is truly capable of doing. In all honesty I was nervous for this purchase. I mean how does one justify a set of wires that cost almost as much as my amps or preamp? But when I read reviews and chatted with Roy C. I began to realize that the speaker cables were the limiting factor in my system. Of course I expected a change for the better, but I was unprepared for what they did to my system. The entire presentation of the music changed. It became incredibly more natural and lifelike in a way that trying to describe "Bass, PACE, Sounstage, articulation, etc." become Blah...Blah...Blah. I think for the first time I have been able to hear what the recorded signal truly sounds like. It sounds like recorded music...for better or worse. Different microphones are easily distinguished, moving about of musicians easily rendered. Adjustment of the bias setting. of my Audiopax amps is instantly discernible. When you listen to music you love, you will love the sound of the music. I had to adjust my bass subs because I could tell there was too much. If your system is not up to the task, fix it before investing in the Palladiums. What you don't know won't hurt you. In terms of equivalent upgrades I would say the Palladiums were well beyond the Indras and in the same league as the Reimyo. If you get the chance to audition these be prepared to lower the checkbook balance or max out a credit card. They are that good or I should say REAL. BTW Jeff Smith is a great guy and easy to talk to. He is interested in the music experience afforded to the few crazies in this crazy hobby of ours. He is one of us.
    • Stealth Indra
    There is really nothing more I can add to the Jules Coleman Six moons review. This is a recent addition and it allows the wire to get out of the way so the components can be heard the way they are supposed to. If you are a careful shopper, you can pay around 4k for these (1 meter RCA)
    • Various Various
    I have a Harmonix for the Reimyo. An Elrod for my BPT 3.2 A Zcable (from the BPT)for the Exact power EP15. BMI Sharks for amps, preamps and subs. Except for the Harmonix I would like to have all Elrods some day.
    • BPT and Exact Power 3.2Sig and EP15A
    These go very well together. The Exact Power makes a big difference, and the BPT does as well. Taken together the system is better than either alone. The sound is dynamic, clear and clean. I have 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits, but because the 2 conditioners are connected together, I am only using one circuit. When a I find another Exact Power EP15 at the right price, I will add it to take advantage of the additional circuit.
    • Symposium Various shelves and rollerblocks
    I have a Symposium Ultra for the Reimyo,Symp Super shelves for the amps.Symp Svelte shelves for the Preamps (with rollerblocks) and svelte shelves for the speakers (these make a difference. All these were purchased used for less than 50% of retail. Since aquiring the Reimyo, I am looking into some Harmonix feet. If they are even close to the Reimyo....
    • Lavan Soveriegn
    These are ok. Here is an area where i would really like some recommendations. I am thinking Grand prix. Are they worth the price of admission???

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Hi - I own AG and Reimyo as well. I could not find your choice for spkr cable (maybe it was my lack of knowledge of so many manufacturars out there).




Nice setup!

Looks to me that it favours classical and not-to-complicated musical material, am I right?


