I want your feedback. Here s what Im looking for.
To create the most realistic soundstage to listen to in my NYC apartment on the lowest possible budget.
Objectives Met:
- This system simply images better than any other stereo system Ive ever heard. Period. The sound state is about 9 feet wide, and every noise is EXACTLY where it should be, and ever sound so clearly comes from a single point that sometimes I look behind the speaker to see where the instrument it.
- To me the midrange sounds a little hollow, almost like there too much treble and not enough bass, even though the speakers have a great low end.
o I think this is the room as there are hardwood floors, the speakers fire in the direction of a window that creates a reflective surface, and the room is 50ft long.
Any suggestions on how to improve the mid-bass sound would be appreciated.
How much more volume/mid-bass would I get running a different amp? Or another Mcintosh 275 run both run mono?