
Hybrid System which blends my love of music and my passion for movies.

Below is a list of my current components.

  • Wilson Audio Alexia
  • Dan D'Agostino Momentum Preamplifier + S250
  • Esoteric P02x + D02x
  • Torus AVR2-16

Home Theater

  • Wilson Audio Mezzo CST
  • Marantz AV8805
  • Panasonic UB9000 4K Bluray Player
  • Bryston 7B3 + 9BSST2
  • JVC X7900 4K Projector
  • 125” Screen Technics Motorised 2.37 CinemaScope Screen
  • Krix Atmospheric A20 (x4)
  • JL Audio F113 (x2)


  • Speaker: TBA
  • Interconnects: TBA
  • Network: Shunyata Sigma Ethernet
  • USB: Shunyata Sigma USB
  • Power: TBA

 Acoustic Treatments

  • Vicoustic CinemaRound
  • Vicoustic Wavewood Diffuser Premium
  • Vicoustic Wavewood


Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    Comments 6

    Showing all comments by kota1.

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    Really nice job on the treatments, especially ceiling.
