Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 16’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    • Amphion Argon 3S monitors , 1-18 are the pro monitor version Argon 3E
    2 way studio monitor usung a 2 Nd order time aligned waveguide tweeter 
    Wave guide is 6.5 inches to match the mid-Bassdriver ,and a matching 6.5 tunes rear 
    Passive radiator,all seas drivers, made in Finland. I removed everything the crossover is fully upgraded using worlds best Path Audio resistors ,cornel Dubilier bypass capacitors  smaller caps a Jantzen lumen z, big midBass and. Filter caps aclarity Csa 
    Bypassed with Jantzen Alumen 

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You have to flux and heat up the capacitir,resistor leads near the board then it wiggles out 
The traces are pretty thick ,you just have to be careful I used both boards if you are afraid 
Then just cut the leads close to the capacitor leads where they come out from the body 
Ofthe capacitor, and resistors after writing down their values , the Jantzen Alumen Z are excellent capacitors are fit nicely, using Duelund .01 tinned copper foil bypass caps ,
And path audio resistors , mills resistors are a much less expensive alternative . I hope this helps . I also got rid of those connectors i used WBT nextgen speaker terminals ,
And all drivers, as well as internal wire connectors use the Furutech and WBT gold over Copper slide on connectors much better then solder far better conductor better sounding.
