
The Bose speaker is what makes this whole system so successful. I can think of no other subwoofers, of any price, that could do such a wonderful job of holding the water filters.

Components Toggle details

    • Bose Don't Remember
    PERFECT for a water filter stand.
    • Luxman PD-171A
    Paired with an Ortofon Cadenza Black for analog bliss.
    • Accuphase E-470
    • DLS Funky Swedish made wall mounts.

Comments 3

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Thanks, we had to close our cafe (companion store to our main bakery/production facility/pizzeria). So the espresso machine comes home for awhile. It's never good to store those indefinitely. 

But those little Swedish wall mounted speakers are spritely and fun. Often used for podcasts and NPR while cooking, vinyl sounds awesome in the kitchen too.

