
This started well over 50 years ago. Early in my under grad career in the late 60's, the guy who lived next door had a KLH compact, I think, a model 20. I had never heard 'Let It Bleed' sound like that. Later, courtesy of one of the many stereo shops that popped up and who would hire a clown like me for the evening shift there came a Pioneer 770 receiver (15 wpc!), a pair of EPI 100's and a AR-XA. And here we are. A 70 y/o man seated beneath the dining room table with the leaves pulled apart peering into the bottom of a LP-12 with lights and tools 'tuning'. With his wife inquiring "What....are you doing"? 
To the 2 or 3 of you who have actually read this far, I wish you good cheer and good fortune. For any who have read this far to criticize and condescend (note to the asshat) I wish you good cheer and good fortune as well. 

Do all be well in this most remarkable time. 

Room Details

Dimensions: 19’ × 17’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Avantgarde UNO series 2 w/ 225 subs
    These have been my primary speakers for far longer than any other. Dynamics, the capacity for true tonal color, eloquence and...impact. Ever the big picture from these these lovely girls. I believe that we have the sort of relationship in which we will be parted only by death. Now, if fortune were to smile upon me at this late moment of life and render possible Trios with triple bass horns, well, perhaps polygamy.
    • Balanced Audio Technology VK-56
    At this moment, in the system is this remarkably evolved valve amp. Fully capable of an intimate relationship with the AV's. However, see below.
    • Pass Labs XA-30.5
    The BAT splits time with this all together remarkable device. While they sound nothing at all alike I love them both. Some time ago, an ignorant and opinion addled man suggested that I could not be an audiophile since I was too weak willed to make up my mind. I advised him of Scott Fitzgerald's remarks on intelligence. Amazingly, he seemed unfamiliar with the concept and wanted to argue that as well. I then described to him the bio-mechanics of the diagnostic criteria for the condition of 'asshat'. In any case, I swap these amps out as often as rigor and will permit. If ever there was good reason to maintain some degree of fitness. Actually, I would swap them every day. I would listen to the Pass in the sunlit lilac scented warmth of the day. "as clear as the azure skies of deepest summer' as Alex said long ago. As the day waned and the shadows lengthened I would switch to the BAT and listen through the twilight into the dark lit only by the light of those wonderful 6C33C-B tubes.
    • Linn LP-12 Sondek
    I have owned this TT for 30 years. I bought it from Victor in Chicago used. It was updated in 1995 at the late, lamented Linn Hi-Fi Chicago with the Lingo, Circus Tampolin, Ekos treatment. I haven't strayed far from Ivor's catechism only with an Extreme/carbon speed mat and the Cardas Myrtlewood Heart. This is a sweetheart of a cartridge but good luck finding any real support from Benz, Cardas, an importer or, really, anybody else. If anyone has any suggestions on competent rebuilds or cost effective replacements I would love to hear about it.
    • Balanced Audio Technology VK-3 Ix SE
    This has the remote and VK-3 phono card options. Despite flirtations with other devices I still listen to it every day. I would describe it as competent which is actually substantial praise from me. What really did it some time ago was attaching it with a Synergistic UEF Blue 10 ga. power cord. There seem to be people who hear no difference in these matters. I do.
    • PS Audio Directstream DAC and Memory Player.
    I had owned a BAT VK-D5 SE w/ super pack for a number of years. I genuinely loved it and I still loved it when I packed it up and shipped it to Colorado. Realizing that the death of the transport would turn this device into a very expensive boat anchor was flatly depressing. I took Paul up on the offer of audition of the Directstream pieces. Listening, first, to the BAT I wondered what I could possibly be thinking. What it was, was like that first sunrise after a tropical blow. Awe inspiring. If you have any interest in CD or SACD these two pieces should be considered as one. I am unable to play in the leagues of DCS, Esoteric, Berkley, MSB etc. but the PS Audio devices are contenders in this weight class.
    • wires Misc.
    Oh my God...well, the most conspicuous thing you will see is a double run of Tara q2 dating from the early 90's. Over many years, I have occasionally compared these with newer things, heard differences and..did nothing. Doing something is presently a priority. What? Any suggestions? I am presently trying to get Craig Hampel (CH Acoustic) to build some. We'll see. He made an absolute killer power cord for me and some iC's as well. There are 3 Synergistic UEF Blue 10 ga. power cables. 3 for the price of 2 speaks to me. Got to audition and compare courtesy of Jason at the Cable Co. There was a substantially more expensive Voodoo that I slightly preferred but it was simply too ungainly for this application. you will see 2 AQ Colorado IC's; they are the right length and are a clear, if slightly cool, view on the proceedings. The power buss and the power cables to the subs are Aural Symphonics. The dealer I got them from was, I think, tired of dealing with the company. For whatever reason, and a EE PhD from Univ. of Illinois took this power buss apart and discovered nothing other than that it did not limit current, things sound better with this stuff. I attempted to replace the power cables with something less obtrusive (in this case, Magic Cable) and it was a subtractive experience. Gertrude Stein could explain. The AQ Coffee (Mocha) HDMI between the 2 PS components was a serious step up in organization and composure. I imagine that I experience all of the cable management problems that all of you do. Or more. The confluence of cable you see by the amp and power buss moved my typically genteel wife to observe "what a fucking mess". I am not entirely in objection to this point of view. The view behind the PS components and computer have led more than a few friends to suggest cognitive testing. Actually, I find it attractive.
    • Marantz CDR-500
    A museum piece isn't it? Has been a work horse for many years transposing tapes to CD as well as the very many LP's which will never be digitized or, if they were, are long since lost to history.
    • Nakamichi ZX-9
    Simply the best cassette deck I've ever heard and I believe I heard them all. Speaking of museum pieces. Still works perfectly (serviced several times) and if you haven't heard cassette at this level you would be surprised what was possible in the mid 80's.

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Again, gratitude to and for you all. My undergrad career occurred at Illinois Wesleyan. Duke would clearly have been a academic and cultural step up. You are quite correct that our dog, Alice, should have had pride of place in the component list. She is 4 y/o going on 1. A rambunctious and agreeable soul who seems to approve of all things Mark Knopfler, she is, as they say, sort of a work in progress. I generally retired from wishing when I departed childhood but I do wish we could all sit together and listen. Perhaps with a nice single malt.


My appreciation to and for all of you. To respond:

Listening fatigue? Well with mid-80's digital or an incorrectly loaded MC you can sort of feel that aneurysm coming on. Similarly, I had initially connected these speakers to a geriatric SS Audio Research ( D-120). This was analogous to falling off a precipice on my mountain bike. Very interesting; very abrasive. I don't recommend either but the view was great. Interestingly, this (now 40 y/o) amp still plays several hours a day but, mercifully, not here. Basically, whatever you put into this speaker, you're going to get a whole lot of that out of it. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. File under 'Careful what you wish for' or, simply, 'Careful with that axe, Eugene'.

Favorite amp and source? If I could have only one amp...I'm not sure. Perhaps I would feel anxious regarding the fact that a central component of the BAT was actually one of the many pieces of a Soviet era MIG and hasn't been produced in years. On the other hand, I m inclined to think that these stout, heat producing sirens will still be singing sweetly long after I have washed up on the beach. I could live on in reverie with either. I have CD and LP copies of 'Hot Buttered Soul' as well as access to MQA and Hi-res copies on Tidal and Qobuz. They all sound different and all bring tears to my eyes. The same can be said for 'The Colour of Spring' and many others. I am raptly, profoundly grateful that such decisions lie before me. 

Read this weekend about Art Dudley. Sadness. Sadness
