
The main components of my system are currently:

Digital                    CD-Transport:         ORACLE CD2500
                              Music Center:         Cocktail Audio X50 Pro
                              DAC:                       JADIS DAC JS1 MkV

Vinyl:                      Turntable:               EAT FORTE
                              Tonearm:                EAT EGo (a Graham Phantom II/III hybrid)
                              Pickup system:       Ortofon McAnna

Reel to Reel Tape: STUDER A80 RC MkII (in a custom made trolley)
                               STUDER A80 RC MkII (500 hours, original, incl. trolley)
                              STUDER A810 MkII
                              Eternal Arts Tape Stage

Amplifier:                Phono:                    Audio Research Phono Reference 2 SE
                              Preamp:                  Audio Research Reference 5 SE
                              Monos:                   Audio Research Reference 300 Mk2

Speakers:               Fullrange:               Triangle Magellan Grand Concert
                              Subwoofers:           Triangle Meteor 0.4

Cables:                   Power:                    mostly Siltech SPX-20/30/800
                              Interconnect:           mostly Siltech G7
                              Speaker:                 Siltech G7 (Van Den Hul for the subwoofers)


Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 7’

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Phono Reference 2 SE
    Phono Preamp, tube, 2 inputs, many adjustments possible
    • Audio Research Reference 5 SE
    a great tube PreAmp
    • Audio Research Reference 300 Mk2
    tube mono power amplifiers, 300W, 17 tubes each, great sound
    • Oracle Audio Technologies CD2500
    carved from one massive aluminium block - more art than technology,
    has a built-in DAC which I do not use
    • Jadis DAC JS1 MkV
    the only (silver-)gold colored components in my system.
    has a dedicated power supply unit.
    In March 2022 I had the Jadis JS1 DAC upgraded from MkIII to the Mkv model. The MkV supports DSD up to DSD256, and PCM up to 384kHz, as well as USB connection to digital sources. It also provides a lot of other enhancements in the DAC component as well as in the power supply unit.
    a massive turntable, separated motor unit with 2 motors, 40 pound platter, overall weight 120 pounds. very quiet.
    • Graham Audio Phantom 2-3
    an EAT branded tonearm (EAT-EGo), build by Graham.
    Technically it is a hybrid product between Phantom II and III
    • Ortofon McAnna
    the top MC pickup from Ortofon, detailled, powerful, ideal for "real music"
    • Studer A80 RC MkII
    one of the most legendary STUDER reel to reel machines.
    Many, many of the 70s and 80s albums have been mastered on this type of machine.
    incredible massivly built, 200 pounds weight, very well servicable, great sound.
    Mine is equipped with CCIR cards.
    • Studer A810 MkII
    a multi-purpose machine, for studios, radio stations, even mobile usage.
    very flexible, younger than the A80, more modern, more electronics.
    A great machine.
    • Eternal Arts Tape Stage
    Tape Stage for Reel-to-Reel machines.
    • Dolby M-363
    The DOLBY-M363 unit is used to code/decode reel-to-reel recordings with Dolby noise reduction. This model allows to use "Dolby SR/A" modules, which have to full electronics for both the DOLBY-A compression (the first and original one) and for the DOLBY-SR compression - a later, further improved, compression technique.
    One machine is used for coding when recording, the other machine is used for decoding when reproducing. This could be done with only one machine, but it requires deconnecting and connecting the used/not used (rec/play) cables each time you switch operation....
    • Triangle Magellan Grand Concert
    the top model from French speaker manufacturer Triangle.
    approx 7 feet high, very open sound, huge soundstage, has additional high+mid speakers firing backwards
    • Triangle Meteor 0.4
    the largest subwoofer from Triangle, a perfect fit to the Magellan Grand Concert full range speaker.
    • Siltech Cables 770
    the G7 series, used for most interconnects.
    • Cocktail Audio X50 Pro Music Center
    This is - after a decade, when I had purchased the Oracle CD tranport - my first digital gear. It supports all formats and can hold up th 16 TB of storage. I only use downloaded sources, no streaming.
    • STUDER A80 RC MkII Reel to Reel tape machine
    I could obtain a second A80 RC MkII - a machine with only 500 hours! It was the reference machine of my Studer professional, fully recapped and serviced - like new!

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Beautiful, I love to hear those analog tape decks!
